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For my sake, we're gonna act like Magda and Pernille are still in the WSL... COME BACK 😭 (but maybe change the color... red's lookin' mighty fine 😏)
"Hallo?" you grumbled, answering the call that had woken you up in the middle of the night.

"Hi, is this Y/N Y/L/N?" A cheerful voice inquired.

"Ja?" you blinked rapidly, eyes adjusting to the light that came from the kitchen. Apparently, you'd fallen asleep on your L-shaped couch again after a rough training with the Blues. "Can I help je?"

"I don't know, can you?" The person at the other end of the line mused. "Anyways. My name is Bev Priestman. I have a question for you."

That was all it took for you to spit out the water that you had been drinking, hissing curses in Dutch from your time at Ajax. "I— ja? Sorry, wat is het?"

Bev chuckled. "I would have that you were from the Netherlands if not for that sorry. Well, I was wondering if you'd like to fly over to Brisbane with the Canada Women's National Team for our pair of friendlies against Australia next week?"

"Er... er... ja!" you quickly agreed, a stupid grin overtaking the pout you'd previously had in your face at being woken up. "Ja, of course!"

"Great!" Bev beamed. "I'll email you all the details, see you Tuesday!"

As you hung up the phone, it started to sink in.

You were getting your first call up to the senior squad.

The senior squad... that held players like Adriana Leon and Christine Sinclair.

Holy. Shit.


"—Y/N?" your best friend waved a hand in front of your face. "Are you okay? You look kinda out of it."

You snapped back to the present, meeting Jessie's concerned gaze. "Hm? Ja, ja. Just thinking."

The smaller woman gasped as she hauled you to your feet. "You think?"

You sneered, pushing her playfully. "Ha, ha. Just because I don't have a degree in engineering doesn't mean I don't think."

The whistle blew as Jessie opened her mouth to retort.

You smirked over your shoulder, jogging onto the pitch. "I always get last word, Jeffery. And for your information, I have a degree in Computer Science."

Her jaw dropped at the new piece of information. "What!?"


"Magdaaaaa! Pernilleeeee!" you shuffled after your self-appointed team moms hurriedly. "I need help!"

"With?" Magda questioned, slowing to a stop. "Is Guro bullying you again? You know she's younger than you, right?"

You waved your hand dismissively. "I could beat Guro up if I wanted to. No, I need help packing."

"Packing!?" Pernille shrieked, drawing the attention of some passing trainers. "You are leaving us?"

You snorted. "Ja, I'm leaving and I'm going to Arsenal."

"You traitor!" the Danish woman cried, completely missing the sarcasm that dripped from your voice as Magda facepalmed. "How could you?"

"Pernille," her girlfriend sighed. "She's kidding."

"Oh," the Midfielder flushed red. "Erm, then what are you packing for?"

You stuffed your hands into your pockets. "International duty."

The two stared at you for a moment before rushing forwards simultaneously and wrapping you in a Hardersson burrito.

"That's amazing!" Magda exclaimed, kissing the top of your head with pride. "Our baby's first call up!"

"I'm not a baby!" you complained, smacking the captain's forearm. "Guro's got the baby face, not me!"

Pernille shook her head vigorously. "It does not matter, you are still our baby."

"Oh, for fuck's sake."


"—and that's all you'll need," Magda smiled, patting your suitcase. "We're very proud of you, Y/N."

You smiled back awkwardly, always having found it difficult to show any sort of affection. "I... dank je. I appreciate het."

Pernille squeezed your shoulder endearingly. "You have to stop that, Y/N. You are not in the Netherlands anymore."

You scrunched up your nose in displeasure. "But it's hard. I lived there for three years."

"I know, Y/N," she nodded sympathetically. "Even I still speak Danish at home sometimes, but we must try our best not to."

You begrudgingly stood, dusting off your gray sweats. "Yes, mother."

Magda turned to her girlfriend excitedly. "Ha! I told you I was the papa!"

Pernille scowled. "Shut up, Magda!"

Do I have four unfinished books that aren't anywhere near being done? Yes, yes I do. Am I going to post another? Yes, yes I am.

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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