Chapter 2: It's going to be fun!

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Alarick POV:
The bell has finally rung.

We all started packing our things.

"All right, students. Remember to ask for your parents signature." The teacher explained.

We all head out the class. I suddenly had a feeling in my gut like it was telling me not to go there.. But why? I decided to ignore it and continue walking home.

As I was walking, I heard a very familiar voice.

"Yo, Al!"

I turned around to see one of my friends, Nolan. I smiled at him and greeted him. 

"Hey, Nolan!" we both did our hand shake.

Hazel then joined in.
"Alarick! Are you also coming to the camping trip?" She asked upbeat as always.

"Of course! I don't wanna miss this once is a lifetime trip!" I replied with a smile.

"You know, this happens every year, right?" Rumi appeared out of nowhere and kind of startled me.

"Ah, right... Always forgot this happens every year." I said kind of embarrassed as they laughed.

"Anyways, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I said as everyone said bye and ran off.


"A camping trip to Oak Heaven Forest? That sounds exciting!" Mom said as she was looking at the permission slip.

"Exciting indeed, I can't wait to already go there!" I replied as i handed her a pen.

She took the pen and permission slip and wrote her signature on it.

Mom then handed me the slip.
"There, make sure to have fun there!" I looked at her and smiled.

"Of course! I'm sure it's going to be fun!"

I then put the permission slip in my bag.

Word count: 271 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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