Field Trip! (Part 2)

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BroZone is on their way to find some puffalos!

What could go wrong?


"So, where do we even find the puffalos?" asked Bruce. The five of them had exited the bunker after gathering some supplies they thought they'd need on their small trip. Some snacks, water, first aid supplies, the typical things you'd bring on such adventures. The only thing they were missing was a way to find the giant balls of fluff Floyd was so set on seeing.

"Well, we typically find puffalos just wandering around the forest near the borders of the village," said Branch. "Sometimes they're a bit deeper in the woods, but they shouldn't be too difficult to find."

With this newfound information from the youngest of the bunch, they set off. Since Branch's bunker was already near the edge of what was considered village boundaries, it wasn't too difficult to find their way to the suspected location of a puffalo herd.

They continued walking through the trees, keeping an eye out for any sign of something that could lead them to their desired destination; that being the puffalos. Every now and then, someone would point out a creature or plant they found interesting, and the brothers would pause for a moment to admire the beauty of nature.

"This sure beats being stuck in a bottle for what felt like forever," comment Floyd, attempting to make a joke. The others, however, remained silent. They didn't dare say anything, fearing they might accidentally say the wrong thing. The last thing they needed was Floyd having another panic attack while reliving the nightmare of the past two months. "So, uh, what have you guys been up to recently," he asked.

"Depends on what you consider recently. Because that could be a week ago, or the past 20 or so years," said Clay.

"I guess we'll go with the past few months."

"Well, I was over in the little golf course we have with Viva and those who took refuge there after we failed to escape the Troll Tree with the others. We were thinking about doing some more renovations to the place before we heard about Floyd know.

"Viva and I might go back there to gather up our fellow Putt Putt Trolls and see if they'd like to move back with the other Pop Trolls. I know a bunch of them would love to see their old friends again."

"Wait, what escape from the Troll Tree? And you have a golf course?" Floyd was baffled, to say the least. What was so dangerous about the place they used to call home that the whole village had to be relocated? He had thought the King moved them all because he wanted a change of scenery or something. And a golf course? Guess whatever he missed the past two months had nothing on what he missed the past two decades.

"Oh, yeah...a few years after we walked out, the Tree and everyone in it were taken captive by these creatures called the Bergens. Once a year they'd celebrate this thing they called 'Trollstice.' And, well—"

"It was basically a holiday where they'd eat us because they believed the only way to be happy was by eating a troll," interjected Branch. "King Peppy decided to take action one year, and we all escaped through some escape tunnels that had been in the works for years. But we're friends with them, now. Not too long ago, Poppy and I, along with a few others, befriended one of the Bergens and now we're on good terms with all of them."

"Viva and I hadn't heard about the fact that we became friends with them until a few days ago, though. While everyone was escaping through the tunnels, some of us got left behind. We managed to survive, luckily, but we had no way of knowing where everyone else had gone, so we went off on our own.

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