Damen knew that Nikandros was about to enter the meeting room before he even did. An Akielon soldier called out in the hallway:

"You have honored our name with, Kyros of Ios!"

A Veretian soldier, on the other hand, said in a quieter tone, somewhere near the entrance of the room.

"What a fantastic cock!"

Laurent bit his lip and swallowed any hint of laughter as Nikandros entered the meeting room, standing there out of breath and with flushed cheeks. Damen quickly asked a servant to offer him a cup of water. It was the first time he had seen Nikandros since dinner.

Lord Berenger and Ancel were already in the room, each sitting in a high-backed chair. The courtier maintained his posture, but the pet yawned, seeming still affected by the effects of the previous night.

"That's our man! You mounted both a woman and a man in public like you were born to do it." - Ancel commented, watching Nikandros massage his temples.

"Please, I've heard enough since I woke up. I'm not here for that..." - Nikandros replied in his well-articulated Veretian.

"After all, the fucking between men and women is sexy too. My favorite part was when the kyros alternated between thrusting Pari of Skarva and Isander at the same time..."

Nikandros leaned over the table, putting his hands over his face.

"Ancel, my darling, restrain yourself..." - Lord Berenger nudged the pet, who was wearing a mischievous expression.

Laurent moved his blue eyes toward the Ios' Kyros .

"I left before that part. Wondering who was better to fuck, Nikandros?"

The kyros still looked embarrassed but raised his flushed face with brave determination.

"I exaggerated! When I remembered the events this morning, I couldn't believe what happened."

Damianos exchanged a tacit look with Laurent. They would keep the discovery of the use of damiana herb under wraps while they still investigated it and who was behind the act of mixing it with wine.

"Are you all right, Nikandros?" - asked Damen.

"Yes, Exalted! In the end, Empress Vishkar was very attentive and guided me well on how to satisfy her consort."

"She, besides bathing with you and Isander, drank wine too?" asked Laurent directly.

Nikandros shook his face.

"No. She said she didn't like Vere's wine that much, but she encouraged Isander and me to drink it..."

"Of course." - Laurent declared with a sullen and dry expression.

Then Laurent's gaze lingered as he saw the Kyros of Ios watch over his shoulder as a servant entered the meeting room with a tray of fresh potato bread and tea with honey, joining the other servant who was serving them water.

"I have given Isander the day off for his services. He won't be coming today." - Laurent announced, seeming to guess the kyros' intentions.

"Ah... I wasn't expecting him..."

"You brought my servant back only a short while ago. I heard you slept together in your room. Give him some rest..."

"That's not it..." - Nikandros said angrily, but with a blush on his face.

There was a knock at the door before Jord entered and bowed to the kings.

"... I believe we are complete now. We can begin the meeting..." - Laurent stated and leaned back nobly in his high-backed chair.

Captive Prince: The Execution of the Dead (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now