"I didn't che-"

"Don't lie to me." Max said shutting him down immediately and forcing him to admit it. Carlos took a deep breath and looked away from Max just over his shoulder at Lando who was looking over in shock as the two argued. He broke eye contact with Lando as he saw his eyes change and his heart drop.

"Yeah I did." Carlos mumbled, still unable to look at Max or anyone else for that matter.

"Did what?" Max asked wanting him to say it fully, to admit what he'd done to his sister.

"I cheated on her." He said quietly not wanting anyone to hear even though the room was silent and his mumble sounded like a shout.


"I cheated on her." He repeated louder this time Max nodded before walking away pulling out his phone and ringing his sister as he did. Everyone turned to Carlos in shock as they heard his statement once Max had turned away from him he huffed and walked out in the opposite direction.

"How are you?" He asked quickly, desperate to know as he walked out towards his car.

"Great." She quipped followed by a small sniff. Max let out a sigh at her sarcasm before clicking his car keys and hearing his car bleep as it unlocked.

"You can stay in my hotel room if you want, until you work out what you're doing." He offered.

"Thanks, I'm gonna get on the next plane home." She told him he nodded sadly, it was going to kill Max not having his sister with him but he'd rather her be happy and away from him.

"Well I'm on my way back so I'll meet you at my room. Ok?" He said as he pulled the door of his car open and got into the drivers seat.

"Ok, call me when you're back." She said to him he nodded and replied letting her know he would. She hung up and let out a deep sigh of relief knowing that she had her brother to lean on. She sat down on the edge of the bed looking at the suitcase in front of her and the open wardrobe that was empty of her clothes. She felt a small sense of calm as she sat on the bed looking out of the large window over Austin. Cars busying to and from their destinations, people walking up and down the streets and clouds waltzing aimlessly across the sky.


Her heart jumped out of her chest as she heard the noise of the door opening, and then shutting once more.

"What the fuck Y/n!" Carlos shouted his arms flying up from his sides as he caught sight of her. "Why would you tell Max!"

"Because he's my brother!" She shouted rising off the bed as he stepped toward her.

"Yeah well he didn't need to know! He's just fucking humiliated me in front of everyone who was at that press conference!" He told me, she sighed not knowing exactly what had gone down but knowing Max had done something she would deem stupid.

"Ok, I'll go talk to him." She shrugged pulling on her shoes.

"No." Carlos shook his head "You don't need to." He said a switch inside him had flipped now, he wasn't shouting or yelling anymore he was calm and collected.

"Well I'm going anyway, I don't want to stay in here anymore." She said to him, after growing up how she did Y/n vowed to herself she wasn't gonna let anyone treat her like that ever again.

"Why do you want to leave?" He asked in a soft tone but she knew how he was really feeling: that he wanted to keep her in here, and away from anyone else.

"Because you cheated on me! We're done Carlos, I'm done with you." She yelled in outrage at how idiotic he was being.

"Hey hey hey." He cooed placing his hands on her arms, like how he used to before he'd kiss her. This time his touch wasn't out of love or care, no, it was out of malice and control.

"No! I won't hear it! Get off!" She demanded shaking his grip from her and attempting to shove my past him. He firmly held his arm around her torso.

"I'll tell everyone you made it up, that you're a leugenaar." He knew she couldn't stand being called a liar, that's what her dad used to refer to her as even if she wasn't lying.

"No you won't," she said calmly "I've got to the screenshots and I've got her." She sneered the smug look on his face was instantly wiped from it and he released his grip on her and she grabbed her suitcase handle. "We're done, I'm leaving and don't try to fucking talk to me!" She told him as she turned away from him and walked swiftly out the door and down towards Max's room.

She let out a sigh of relief, the weight was gone, and the stress too.

She could do what she wanted how she wanted and she couldn't wait.

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