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We arrived home and I went to my room to put away everything, once I had done that u sat down on my bad and played on my phone... until I heard ava's annoying screamy voice.


I groaned and got up before leaving my room. "What now?" I grumble as I look at her. Before seeing her arm in the wall.. WAIT WHAT!?

"AVA!? What the hell!" I run over to her and before I can grab her she walks though. "AVA?!" I rush after her.

Inside was gorgeous thrown room, Quartz pillars, gold and silver decor, etc. A girl could only dream of living here.

"Woah... Ava you see this shit?" I mumble and look over at Ava who looks pale. "Ava..?" the guys look over, noticing the concern in my voice as Ava drops. "AVA!?" I rush over and catch her by the fabric of her sweater. Did I almost fall aswell? Yes. Did I fall? Also yes... luckily I managed to land not on Ava.

"Are you okay..?" Noi asks as he stands over me

"My pride is a little hurt but i'll be fine." I sigh and get up before looking at Ava. "Hmm... well then."

"What Now?" Rhys asks as Leif fazes over

"Can I kill her now!" he whined.

"Touch her and I'll slit your throat." I sighed.

"Feisty huh? I like that," he smirked before I walked away.

"I'm out."

"Where are you going prisoner!" Asch asks in a snarky tone.

"Probably to kill myself... or drink." either way i'm not dealing with you fake demons."

Leif scoffed "FAKE DEMONS!?"

"You heard me." I turned and crossed my arms, my tail swaying slowly. "You don't have tails or wings.. Asch is the only one with demon powers and yet he still is as fake as a pick-me's personality." I scoffed.

"What's a pick-me?" Noi asked making me sigh

"Someone who tries to act cool infront of boys, they act snarky and bitchy towards girls saying shit like "Oh my god! You wear so much makeup!" or "I could never do that because I'm one of the boys!" I imitated a squeaky higher-pitched voice, hurting my own ears in the process.

"Makes me sick," I grumbled and walked away, leaving Ava there with them. I knew it was stupid but I just needed time to myself.

            ☽IN THE APPARTMENT☾

I went to my room and got new clothes, some that were better for laying around. After that I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, thinking about something Lucifer offered me just last week.


I stood in front of Luicifer himself, my body bent in an uncomfortable bow to the king of hell.

"Ahhh Y/N.. My favourite barbarian." his sickeningly sweet tone brought chills down my spine.

"Yes sir... what is it you wished to discuss." I look up at him.

"You see Cerberus has recently had puppies... we had no clue it was a girl... anyways! I would like to give you one in return for a soul... the soul of someone you hate..." he smiled.

Weird, usually Lucifer would want something like a live sinner.

"What's the catch," I mutter.

"Leave hell forever and never come back, you aren't a great demon, to be honest... you're moody, selfless, and overall just annoying..."

I froze, that was all I had to do? I mean i'm barely here anyway so it should be easy.

"Wouldn't that put Ava in harm's way?" I ask.

"Not if you train him right. So... what will be my dear.."

I sighed "I'll think about it."

"Great! Now leave."

            ☽END OF FLASHBACK☾

I got out of the shower, my body dripping with water as I shook my head and got dressed

I got out of the shower, my body dripping with water as I shook my head and got dressed

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I dried mt hair before walking out of the bathroom to see Ava angrily making cereal.

"You good..?" I asked concerned.

"No! Price stole cereal from the store," she muttered.

"HUH!? How come he can steal but I can't!" I scoffed.

"He didn't know how money worked."

"He watches me pay for my art stuff Ava."

"Oh... whatever.. I'm going to bed..." she sighed and finished her cereal before going to her room and taking a nap.

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