Chapter 20

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I hardly ate. I hardly talked. I hardly did anything. I would say about 50 eyelashes were shedded at breakfast. Keefe had to grab my hand so I could stop pulling them out.

"You have to calm down." Keefe said, stroking my back with his free hand. "And please eat something."

I reluctantly made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to make Keefe happy. He looked satisfied as I ate. Keefe grabbed an apple and stuffed it in his pocket for Linh.

After breakfast, I prepared for the task. I wore leggings and a gray sports bra. I didn't have any swimsuits so it was my best option. I tied my hair in a low pony tail and grabbed my wand.

I sucked in a breath once I stepped outside, the thin jacket I wore did nothing to block out the cold. I quickly rushed over to the boats that took us to the platform where everyone would watch, and where all the competitors were. Well everyone accept Harry.

Viktor and Fleur greeted me, and I looked around for Harry. We were about to start when he sprinted over here. He quickly ate something, and I took off my jacket.

Linh, Keefe. I transmitted to them.

I'm here. Linh said.

No response from Keefe.

Where is he? Linh thought.

My eyes widened. I thought he was with you.

He isn't. Linh thought, we need to worry about that later though. Right now you need to focus on winning.

You have me covered right?

It will last for an hour exact. You got this Soph. Once you go in the water you will be able to breath.

Thanks Linh.

Anytime Soph.

In my daze I didn't even hear the gunshot. The last thing I saw was Harry shaking, Viktor and Fleur diving in the water, and cheering. Then a pair of arms pushed me and Harry into the water.

Once my head was in the water, I felt a pocket around my mouth. I inhaled a deep breath, thanking Linh. There is a bubble that surrounded my nose and mouth, the bubbled swayed with each movement.

I then swam forward, on the hunt of finding what I had deeply lost.

There were thousands of colorful fish, swimming with each other and hiding in plants. The water was dark green, but was lit up thanks to the sun. I was able to see, though the saltwater in the lake burned my eyes. Apparently this was the only lake in the world that was saltwater.

I swam forward, not entirely sure where I was going.

I approached a kelp forest, where kelp was as tall as trees. I wasn't going to enter it, until I heard the same voice in the egg singing, only this time it was muffled and sounded far away.

I swam inside, the ice cold water getting to me as I touched the cold pieces of kelp. I then felt something suction and pull on my ankle.

I yelped and looked down to find 5 Grindylows swimming towards me. I read about them in the library. They looked like smaller versions of Ursula, with their tentacles and half bodies. These ones each had spears or a weapon.

I inflicted on the one holding my leg, and escaped once he let go. I frantically swam forward, dodging their weapons, when one flew past my stomach, making it bleed a lot.

I inflicted my pain on them, making them collapse.

"We will find you child." One of them screamed while falling. "You won't get away from us that easily!"

I gritted my teeth, and swam up. Once I got over the kelp area, I swam above it not wanting to find anymore creatures.

I used one arm to swim since my other hand was pressed against my stomach. The suction from the Grindylow bruised and left a mark of the suction around my ankle.

I ignored it best I could, even though a cloud of blood still floated behind me from my wound. I ignored it best I could, but I was getting slightly dizzy from blood loss.

I continued forward and saw the outline of ruins. I saw Viktor as a shark swim up with Hermione.

Why would Hermione be down here?

I swam inside the ruins, where I gasped. I frantically swam over to Keefe's unconscious body, floating and connected by a rope.

I cupped his face in my hands and saw the piece full look on his face. I was going to get him out of here. I saw a blond girl who looked exactly like Fleur floating, and Ron.

This is what they took. They took the people we cared about most.

I untied the rope around Keefes leg, and he slowly floated up. I grabbed his arm to swim with him, when suddenly the Grindylows came up from under me.

There were more of them this time. I would say about 20-30 of them. I let go of Keefe, letting him float up.

The Grindylows flew past me, grabbed onto me, twisting and pulling my skin. Then once pierced the bubble around my mouth, making me not able to breathe.

The pain was unbearable. My stomach, back, legs, neck, and parts of my face were either marked by suctions or had suctions on them. I was being pulled under as my vision blurred. Then in a flash of yellow, something stunned all the creatures.

I looked at where the spell came from, and I wasn't sure if I was imagining or not but Harry was swimming towards me.

He pulled out my wand and placed it in my hand.

"Say ascendo." He told me, his voice sounding muffled. "Grab Keefe on your way up."

My vision was darkening, and I gripped my wand. Then weakly I said, "ascendo!"

I shot upwards, grabbing Keefe's arm as we were launched out of the water. We landed on the platform we started on.

I was coughing and hacking all the water out of my lungs. Multiple people were wrapping blankets and towels around me. Then I glanced over and saw Keefe getting the same treatment.

He immediately gave me his towels and some of his blankets.

"You okay?" He asked, patting my back as I hacked water out of my mouth.

I gave him a weak thumbs up and coughed out the remaining water from my lungs.

Everyone rushed over to me with cameras and microphones, begging me to answer their questions. My head pounded from everyone's mental voices.

I clutched my temples and transmitted to Keefe, who was stroking my back.

Their mental voices. I transmitted.

I'll get them away. Keefe thought.

"Alright everyone wait till Foster is completely better, then come back for interviews." Keefe announced.

Everyone was about to protest when Harry flew out of the water, making everyone fun to him.

Keefe went in front of me and cupped my face in his hands. I gazed into his glassy ice blue eyes, able to see my reflection in them.

"I love you Foster." Keefe said.

I leaned closer to him so that our lips were a centimeter apart.

"I love you too Keefe." I whispered and filled the gap between our lips.

Sophie Foster and the Triwizard TournamentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ