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The place became a vast place where only her house stood there As Carabella start drawing the last part. All the merchants on the corner of the street disappeared, then reappeared. that evening it rained.
Lyor witnessed it for the first time. All that remained her of her coat after running kilometers. she remembered she has a phone number in the coat she was wearing. But she couldn't take it. She just knew the number was in the pocket of the coat.
Suddenly a knock on her door startled her.

Lyor.- is there someone outside? She heard it as if the voice came from far away. So far away.

lyor .- is it someone I know? she insisted to herself. Did he find me. Did she draw him next to me?
Once she got out, he was there. Him, his whole face. He was no longer the imaginary boy. The celebrity from the distant country where it rains every evening was in front of her door. He was wearing football gear. A sports bag taped to his back.
I looked at him, he looked at me. No witnesses. None of us dared to say anything. I know he was in my dream last night. And also the night before. And the previous one... and a year earlier. In fact All my life. I saw him on TV. I wrote about him But he seems to have been in my universe for an incalculable eternity. he is in every reason of my existence. In every cells of my flesh. My soulmate.
But ... Was I in his dream ? I think inwardly.
He didn't seem to know me, he was looking else where, everywhere. Then his eyes finally came to rest on mine, like a caress of a thousand years of waiting.
His presence, he explained it as, He had lost his way.
Woohyun.- I'm sorry is it ...???
it was his first time in the country. he must leave again this very evening. He came without his agency knowing and no one knew he was there.
Nonsense i know why he is here. I called him. Not me Carabella drew him.
He left without saying a word. But a few km away, he turned around a little hesitantly, fearing my answer.
Woohyun .- Hello... uh,... he spoke a dialect that I didn't understand. Not a single word is something i could comprehend. But for some reason i know what he was saying.
He was shy but smiled heartily. He looks at the coat i was wearing. And take some few steps and come close to me. I stepped back as he reached out for me.
Woohyun.- I didn't take a plane to be there. I just followed the coat.
Lyor.- ah sorry is it yours?
Woohyun.-Yes. By the way...
He couldn't say a single word for me to understand. It was my time to tell him.
Lyor.- i dreamt of you.
Woohyun .- i know. He said he came closer and hugged me tightly. I finally found you.

Carabella closed the pages and put it down and placed the book in the middle of the millions of trophies that she has in her likeness.

Book: how old is the Universe by


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