prologue !! PART 1

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WHEN THE WAR started at Panem, young Coriolanus, when he was still as innocent and pure as the driven snow, moved under security to District 12. His Grandmother guided him and his cousin, Tigris to a safe place.

It seemed a lot as a cave, but a slightly beautiful one. Underground, where performers spread joy and laughter before every on of their shows.

Just like exhilaration. Only there.

Everywhere else, the war had taken over.

Right after Snow's death had been announced, Coriolanus filled this joy-
ful hideout with waves of tears. Tigris was the one that stayed with him all night up.

They stayed awake all night, sharing tears. Nevertheless, they were not completely alone. There was this little girl. Wavy brunette with charming eyes. Coriolanus embraced the warm of the girl's eyes.

Oh Lucy. That was her name. Little Lucy..

Lucy brought them food, water and everything they had in need. She would sing to them to sleep.

She sounded like a light breeze. A songbird, Tigris claimed. Coriolanus would blush at the sound of her voice and hide his eyes in his cold palms. Tigris would laugh and then throw a blanket over his barbed wire.

He would curl up in the warmest corner of the place and fall asleep.

Slept long enough to not remember how much time had past that it was finally time to go back to his city. The Capitol stopped the war on its land and had decided to spread the rest on the districts.

Hunger Games continued and Coriolanus was being educated there every day and studied long till midnight.

He had no time for holidays. Unfortunately he could never go back in 12 to visit his childhood friend.

Although he had found a replacement, it would never be the same. Sejanus Plith was a kind man. But somehow an inside rebel, that feature Coriolanus hated.

All Capitol children must adhere to conventions. It's easy, Coriolanus thought, why bother with rebellion?

He deduced Sejanus wanted to act different. Assuredly, he foresee the impression on his father facial expressions that's why he acted like that.

While time past, Coriolanus anticipated his graduation. But something was missing.

Coriolanus had everything and much more down to his feet already, but his heart was half and his memories wide.

Little Lucy often came and was taking over his dreams. Recently that was happening a lot more than usual. His mind had broke, his memories echoed inside his head and his heart was beating faster than before.

It was foreseeable. Lucy missed him. Their friendship was special and essential for Coriolanus. Lucy turned down on her beloved cousin in order to keep him and Tigris warm and with enough food.

However, Lucy was the only friend Coriolanus had ever made by his own.

Nobody identified her, only he did. He found her.

Lucy was his friend. He had found her

And it was time to find her once again. In twelve, he would travel just to meet her. He hopes to see her in his old hideout, where they had developed their own friendship. Just so I would be like the old good times.

Despite the fact that he might not recognize, which that terrified him at most, he still traveled to twelve with head looking up. Full of hope.

HI, so this is part one of the prologue, since I have to write their met too. I really hope you are satisfied already. There's more to look forward!!

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