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Present: 14 y/o Ashlyn

3rd pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ahh... why was he in my dream again. Kuya matt... He always shows up in my dream even tho i haven't seen him in like 7 years or so. I wonder how he's doing.

"Vien! Breakfast's ready!" I heard my mom "coming" i replied tiredly. It's monday again another week of school i don't wanna gooo...

After i ate i head to the shower and got ready. I headed down stairs "mom i'll go now!" I kissed her on the cheek "Alright be careful loveu!" And i bid her goodbye. I got to the school at 7:27 and the class starts at 7:30 i only got 3 minutes heck no.

Just as i was running on the hallway i bumped into someone "ouch.. geez can you look where you're going" i said while picking my things from the floor. I looked up to see who i bumped into "omy sorry are you ok?" The tall boy said . Ohh it's him Marcus Villanueva member of the basketball club infact he's the leader i suppose. "Yea just look on your way next time" i replied and was about to walk off when he grabbed my wrist.

"No look you have a bruise let me take you to the infirmary" he said looking concern "really it's fine don't worry about it." I said and shake my hands gesturing that it's ok.

"But...you're hurt." He said gently looking on my bruised knees. "I'm fine, it's just a scratch no biggie" i smiled gently. Nu-uh missy i won't take no for an answer, let's go."
He gently pulled my arms and i have no choice but to follow as he led me to the clinic. The nurse was there to assist us and she cleaned my wound perfectly. "Thank you so much." I smiled and gently bowed to the nurse as she smiled and dismissed us.

"I'm really sorry...?" He sounded confused? Does be want my name? "Ashlyn...Ashlyn Vienn Forine." I introduced my self. He grinned "interesting name...well, i'm Marcus Zayen Villanueva" he smiled closed eyes. "I know already...i mean everybody does tho..."
He chuckled. "I guess you could say that"
I nodded as i headed to my class.
"Oh? You're just a second year?" I nodded.
"Yeah? Why?" He sounds like he'd discover some treasure or something. "It's my last year here i'm already 17" he's 17? "Ahh...so you'll graduate soon hmm?" He nodded and slipped his hands in his pocket.

We waved goodbye as he went to his building. And i sat in my class thinking what just happened...so,is he my friend now or what?.

The school was finally over and i can't help but feel the eyes of someone following me as i walked.I fastened my pace, my heart was pounding loudly, so loud that i can hear it. My sweat drops on my face as i tried to act cool.

Suddenly, a strong firm hands gently grabbed my shoulders. "Hey? It's just me"
I turned to around and saw that it was just Marcus. "You scared the hell out of me, geez". He laughed as he walked beside me. "Are you going home?" He asked tilting his head to see my face. "Ah, yes i can't be out for too long" He nodded and spoke once again. "I'll take you home,is that alright?" He asked softly. "Sure...but i don't wanna bother you tho" he chuckled a bit. "Ofcourse not, let's go?" I hummed in response as he followed where i go.

We got infront of our gate, before i could open our gate he suddenly asked "can i...can i maybe get your phone number?" He scratched his neck asking shyly. I smiled a little "yeah, here" i handed him a piece of paper. I always carry my phone number incase of need.

I can't help but notice a faint blush on his soft cheeks. "Thanks, go inside there's a lot of mosquitos here" i nodded and waved my goodbye as he did aswell. He waited until i came inside the house closing my doors.
I was studying inside our classroom, it's our vacant anyways. I was so focused that i didn't notice someone's presence behind me until i felt a tap on my shoulders .
"Ash? Why are you not eating your recess yet?" He asked eating a spoon full of Waffles with yogurt in it. "Oh, i'm reviewing actually. We have a summative test after recess, and i can't waste my time" i said holding up the papers. "Even so, you need to eat ya'know" just as he finished that sentence he pointed a spoon full of food infront of me as i raised my brow ar him.

"Eat." He simply said as i hesitantly ate the food he offered. "Thanks" he nodded and looked at me. "Don't you have classes?" I asked as he hurriedly checked the time. "Shit...sorry Ash i need to go! See you later, yeah?!" He hurriedly ran out as i nodded smiling.

Hi guys! Another update for ya'll! Sorry if it's kinda short, i have to prepare for my exams (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠). I hope you guys have a wonderful day!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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