6: Conversation and More Time Together

Comenzar desde el principio

I saw the woman's eyes widen in surprise. "Are you out of your mind? You're hooking up with your boss? That saint face of yours doesn't fool me anymore."

I couldn't stop laughing because of the face she made.

"Obviously not, Julia, Minji doesn't know that I'm Hanni, nor that Hanni is Scarlet."

"That double identity of yours is crazy, girl." She said, taking a sip of her water.

"Aren't you afraid that she might find out? You know that this is dangerous, you can lose your job." Her voice tone was more serious now.

I nodded, snuggling closer to her. "I'm afraid, very. But something in me keeps me from stopping, you know? She causes things in me that I can't explain." I said honestly.

"You're really screwed, my friend."

"I know." I said laughing.

Minji's POV

"I'll be waiting for you, Kim."

God, that sentence kept repeating in my head over and over again. My stripper, if I could even call her mine, has been inhabiting my dreams since the first night I saw her, and after today, it just got worse. Scarlet blatantly teased me, and I liked it, she entered the game, and that excited me. I came back home that night with her breathtaking body in my thoughts. I stayed for about an hour soaking in my bathtub, trying to get the woman who made me lose my mind out of my head. My thoughts wandered from the sinuous curves of that dancer's body to the ones of Hanni. Pham Hanni? I closed my eyes and her thin and delicate face flashed in my head, with a sweet and calm expression, she was wearing her white dress that gave me a good view of all her curves. Something in both of them attracted me, although they were so different. They could be similar and not similar at the same time. I shook my head at the outlandish idea of uniting two completely different women in one body. Being without someone for so long was making me somewhat confused. I got out of the bathtub, wrapping myself in a white towel, which I put aside previously. I stared at my tired face in the mirror, my hair was wet and brushed to the side. No one saw that Minji, lonely and fragile, and no one ever would, at least as far as I was concerned. I put on my silk ivory sweater and went to bed.

At 7:45AM, Wonbin was already waiting for me in front of my building with the black Mercedes. I got into the car as soon as Wonbin opened the door for me in a polite gesture. I flipped through the newspaper that was placed on the seat, seeing some good news and a lot of bad ones. I wondered when the newspapers would become more positive and give more attention to the good events that happened. The drive was tranquil, to my surprise the traffic today was peaceful. We arrived in front of Kim Industry in exactly 12 minutes. Wonbin abandoned his seat again to walk towards my door, opening it. I got out and made a sign in acknowledgment, and then I walked to the building's entrance. The employees quickly went to their places as per usual. I walked to the elevator, entering the small silver compartment where I pressed the button for the top floor, where my office was. The doors were about to close when someone in hurried steps stopped them.

"Excuse me." I heard her familiar voice.

Hanni looked up and saw me there, looking at her. Her eyes quickly lowered.

"Good Morning, Ms. Kim." Her voice tone was polite.

"Good Morning, Ms. Pham. You arrived early today."

"The traffic in Gangnam was peaceful today, Ms. Kim. I brought you your coffee." She said, handing me the cup from Starbucks.

"You didn't spit on it, did you?" I joked, taking the cup from her hand.

The Stripper | Bbangsaz ver. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora