The man smirks darkly. Both of them gulp in fear .

Man 1 : Kim Taehyung . *whisper*

Taehyung smirk

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Taehyung smirk .

Man 1 was about to shoot Taehyung but someone shot his hand.

Man 1 : AHHH .

He looked up & saw Taehyung holding his gun & smirking at him with blank eyes . 2nd one was about to shoot Taehyung but before he could someone shot his hand & leg.

Now both of them lying on the floor groaning in pain. Soon this room full with Taehyung's 20 guards .

?? : Aww.....finally i got someone to torture .*smirk*

Taehyung look at his friend & smirk .

Taehyung : Kook ...You can take the 2nd one torture...& the 1st one will be my prey . *smirk*

Jeon Jungkook the member of Bangtan nodded .

Jk : Yes Hyung . *smirk*

Taehyung move near the 1st man who is holding his hand .

Taehyung shoots his legs which makes him scream .

Taehyung : Noise pollution. *mock*

Taehyung gives his gun to his right man Wang Jackson(son of

Taehyung pressed that man's injured leg with his shoe, that man scream loudly with pain .

Taehyung dark smile .

Taehyung : Who sent you ? *deep cold voice*

That man flinched.

Man 1 : I...dont know ....

Taehyung : will not open your mouth....fine i will kill your family who living in Hangnam village.

That man's eyes widened .

Man 1 : How ?

Taehyung : Im Yakuza for a reason...*evil smile * now bark !!!

Man 1 : *gulp * Its Lee .

Taehyung : *scoff* such a fool he is.......he thought he can kill me by his rats ..*scoff* that oldie is using his old brain a lot nowadays...he needs to take a deep sleep....right Kook ?

Jk : *smirk* Ofc Hyung ....he is 55 years now .

Taehyung : Wang throw them in my torture cell. *cold voice*

Jackson: Yes King.*bow* With that guards took both men after making them unconscious. 3 guards clean the floor.

Time skip-

Jk : That oldie is flying too high Hyung

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Jk : That oldie is flying too high Hyung. *siping wine*

Taehyung : Dont worry i will cut his wings .*sipping coffee *

Taehyung sips his coffee while looking outside of the hotel

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Taehyung sips his coffee while looking outside of the hotel .

Taehyung : Wang send all the body parts of his sent guards as a gift .

Jackson : As you say King . *smirk*

Jk : Hyung you should kill him a long time ago .

Taehyung: I know but seeing him destroyed by me is another level fun. He messed with KIMS now he will pay. *smirk*

Jk : Yeah....i will ask Yoongi Hyung to collect more information about his Illegal drug business.

Taehyung : Good....

Jk : *sigh* Aish im so tired....Good night hyung sleepy now we will meet tomorrow.

Taehyung just nodded with a cold face.

Taehyung: Ok Jk .

Taehyung : Wang did you collect files from Jin hyung ?

Jackson : Yes Leader...Mr. Kim already gave it to me last night ...

Taehyung: Hmm...good now go ...we need to attend a meeting tomorrow morning.

Jackson : Yes Leader.*bow* Good Night .

Taehyung just nodded. Jackson left the room .

Taehyung finished his coffee & stood up from the couch. Tonight he cant drink bcz of tomorrow's meeting he needs to attend , he doesn't want the headache after wake up at the morning .

He removes his nightrobe. His upper part is naked, his six packs are showing he works out a lot .

 His upper part is naked, his six packs are showing he works out a lot

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He sit on the bed & sigh .

He opens the drawer of the nightstand & pull out a mini bottle.

He pulls out 1 pill & gulps it with water.

He set alarm but his eyes fall on the mini photo frame of his parents.

He sadly smiled & took it in his hand.

He smiles sadly & caresses his parent's wedding pic where Taeshin is carrying Jiyo in bridal style.

Taehyung: Don't worry Dad.... I'm taking my revenge ....i destroyed his empire ....but that f*cker hiding somewhere...but soon i will find him & dad i hope you both are doing well there. Now my only goal is to kill him with my hands brutally. *dark voice*

Taehyung sighed & kept that photo frame in his place & he lay on the bed .

He sighs & closes his eyes. Pill is working slowly he falls asleep.

The scars of his nightmare.....


I hope you like it.....

So Taehyung's story starts from here.....

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