"yeah of course" I say back

"you can go get them" jade says plopping down on the couch

I groan "fine i'll have andre help me"

"I got you" he says walking to the garage with me

we grab the speakers and bring them inside.

"woah I didn't even see all this before, where'd you guys get all the drinks?" I ask

"cats brother," tori answers chucking

"is cat's brother even allowed to buy alcohol?" I ask concerned

"no" cat says laughing

"okay?..." I answer deciding not to question anymore

we finish setting up, and I go sit on the couch next to jade. Who didn't help at all. we all sit there talking for a while, as we wait for people to start showing up. I lay my head down in jade's lap, and she's playing with my hair. the door bell rings and tori answers. it's the first group of people. there's about 9 of them, tori lets them in and tells them to help themselves. then she goes and starts playing the music. not to long after there's tons of people there, like half the school. even beck shows up, nobody invited him but he's not causing a problem so I guess its fine

me and jade are dancing together, i've had a couple of drink but i'm not drunk just a little buzzed. Jade pulls me to the side, grabs another drink, and drags me outside. we sit down next to each other.

"can I have a sip of that?" I ask

she laughs "yeah"

"thanks," I smile and take a sip

"these past two weeks with you have been great," she says smiling

I guess all the alcohol has loosened her up, because that's not a jade thing to say at all, "yeah they have, I have a lot of fun with you" I say leaning in and putting my head on her shoulder.

we sit like this for a while, I love this, I love being around jade, I really like her. I could stay in this moment with her forever just like this.

I want all this beck drama gone, I just wanna forgive him.

"I think i'm gonna just forgive beck.." I say quietly

I hear her sigh it's an annoyed sigh "what is your problem?" she asks

"what do you mean?" I ask back

"why would you wanna forgive that fucking asshole?!" she asks really angry now

"I told you I don't want anymore of the drama!" I say kinda shouting

"well that's fucking stupid!" she says standing up screaming

I stand up too "I just don't know why you care so much??"

"maybe because he said fucked up shit to you, and he said fucked up shit to me!!"

"well maybe he'll be better everyone needs another chance sometimes" I say trying to lower my voice

"you're a fucking idiot!!" she says not lowering her voice

"I don't know why your being mean right now, I just want to talk to you, I didn't think you'd blow up like this..." I want to start crying but I try to hold it in

"you know what you are pathetic, I was right in the woods, you are so pathetic that you'll let someone say anything to you and forgive them just because you don't want drama. that's so stupid. you know what how about I go forgive beck, you wont like how I choose to forgive people" She says angrily

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