"Yes, yes. Come in and eat!" Kojiro cried.

He led the way inside. They were just sitting down as Kojiro came to fed them. His hands were filled with dishes, platters and drinks to the extent of his muscles bulging under the white coat. The door chimes jingled. They all turned to see...

Kaoru gasped, a squeak of fear escaping his lips. He tried to run, but Kojiro was before him. The platters in the Fu dogs hands were dropped unceremoniously onto the table. He roared as he glared at the two demons.

"Now, now, none of that." Ainosuke huffed.

"You did invite us in." He purred.

"I DID NOT!" Kojiro growled as his body stretched the stitching on the fabric he wore.

"Tadashi? Didn't he say to come in and eat?" Ainosuke purred. His eyebrow twitching.

"I just want to shave them off." Langa whispered.

"More like scratch them off." Miya mewed.

"He did, my lord." Tadashi ignored the mutterings of the boys.

Ainosuke took up a seat at a nearby table. He drummed his fingers upon it as Tadashi stood behind him. Both looked hungrily at the Kitsune. Kojiro drew back. He smirked.

"Very well." He agreed.

"You're going to let them stay?" Reki look astounded.

"Sure. We can all be civil here." Kojiro grinned.

Kaoru met his eye. There was a spark of something within them. The Kitsune shrank back from the look. Kojiro caught his hand. He pulled it forward to place a kiss against the knuckles.

"They won't hurt you here." As he spoke everyone heard the ripping sound of his coat no longer able to contain the large mass of muscle.

Kojiro slipped it off. His tee shirt was soaked in sweat, the sticking popping on it as well. Huge muscles bloomed under the taunt material. Kaoru gazed at it in wonder. He was a Fu dog. His strength was his biggest weapon. The Kitsune sank back down.

"Lets eat. I'm hungry." He insisted

Kojiro grinned. He went to the kitchen to fetch some more food for the demon. He came out with a tray of what appeared to be a salad of some sort. Kojiro set it down before him. There was shrimp inside the wilted lettuce.

"This is what you feed you patrons?" Ainosuke demanded.

"No, this is what I feed the devil who weasels his way into my place." Kojiro smirked.

Ainosuke flung the mass away from him. He stood up. Tadashi closing in behind him.

"It won't be long. I will have the Kitsune!" Ainosuke growled.

"Only if you manage to kill me." Kojiro leaned back going his every growing muscled arms over a thick chest.

Ainosuke took in the look. He knew the Fu dog was barely containing his anger. He snorted.

"With your sister a..."

"Right behind you!" a growling deep voice snarled out.

"Kojiro, why is this filth in here." Kari demanded.

She looked to be just the exact as Kojiro. Her green hair was longer. It waved over thick shoulders. A small frail looking male with tusks stood at her side. He was piled with bags in his hands.

"Sis, you're back early!" Kojiro beamed.

"There was a hurricane. We decided to leave. Plus, I had a feeling.." She was glaring at the blue haired demon.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Kari roared.

The very windows shook around them. Tadashi flinched. He was halfway to the door when he realized his master hadn't moved. With a whimpering sound, Tadashi inched back to his masters side.

"I want the Kitsune." Ainosuke informed the female Fu dog.

"Then you will have to kill us both. What my brother decides to protect, so do I." She insisted.

"You will start a war over a useless three tail child?" the demon demanded.

Kari folded her arms over her chest. Her bosom thrust upwards to rest atop them. She had a glare that could crack the very foundation of the earth. She leveled this upon the demon.

"If that is your choice, we will protect what is ours. Your stay here is revoked." She snarled.

A flash of lightening, suddenly the two demons found themselves outside in the could chill rain. They glared at the happy reunion going on inside the restaurant.

"I will get him!" Ainosuke insisted as he transformed to run home.

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