A fright in the night

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Kojiro had just been laughing, joking even teasing him, but now. The way he switched to a snarling beast frightened Kaoru. The fox dove behind the sofa, peeking out from the edge. He saw what looked like a man at the door. The Fu dog burst from the house as he thrust the young man inside. The smell of the pizza was tantalizing.

As Kaoru stood, the teen with the pizza blinked at him.

"A dog, of course!" the boy hissed.

"What are you?" the fox spirit asked.

The teen ignored him. He was small, black hair poked out from under a cap he wore with he pizza place's name on it. The boy brought a phone out after he set the pizzas down.

"Yeah something had him in a tither, you close?" he listened for a minute.

Outside the heard an earth shaking roar. Kaoru squealed as he dodged around the corner. Flattening himself to the wall he listened trying not to even breath. The boy walked over to him. He snorted.

"What the hell, haven't you ever heard a Yeti when he gets pissed?" the teen smirked.

"You're the neko." Kaoru snarled out.

"Yep!" the boy grinned.

Suddenly a small red and black ball rolled into the house. It sprang up to a red panda standing as tall as it could with its arms up over its head. The neko snorted.

"You just look ridiculous like that, slime." He insisted.

The panda vanished as another teen emerged. This one Kaoru recognized. He had nearly ran him over in his escape the night he met Kojiro.

"You, are you ok?" Kaoru asked rushing forward.

"Huh? Oh you're that fox!" the ginger boy exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm sorry I ran into you!" Kaoru insisted.

"Nah, no damage done. Besides Adam needs to learn, this is Kojiro's turf!" the ginger laughed. His smile filled his face while the neko scowled.

"Reki, don't be an idiot!" the neko demanded.

"That's, Miya. He is a prissy ass cat. Don't get to close to him." Reki teased the smaller boy.

Miya just hissed muttering something about slime indoors. Kaoru smirked at them. They were like siblings. He recalled teasing his own sister in a similar vein. How he wished to just hold her once more. He curled his tails around himself as he wrapped his arms over his chest.

"Hey, don't worry. Langa is huge. He's out there helping Kojiro. Come on like Kairi would leave Kojiro in charge all on his own!" Reki rolled his eyes.

"Like Langa is much better. It's like the dumb leading the blind out there!" Miya insisted.

"Maybe I should go help." Kaoru offered.

"Uh no!" Suddenly Reki and Miya were on the same side. They both blocked the Kitsune's path.

"Kojiro told us to keep you safe in here." Reki insisted.

"I am a Kitsune! The elder of my village!" Kaoru cried. He didn't need to tell them...

"A village of one!" Kojiro was walking back into the house.

The Kitsune's eyes took in his bare chest, his pants barely clinging onto his hips. Across his shoulder was an arm. Kaoru paid little attention to that. His eyes sought out any damage to the Fu dog. He saw none. Not even a scratch! Had he torn his own shirt off? The Kitsune turned his gaze to the body the arm belonged with.

The boy Kojiro was half dragging, half carrying, had soft blue hair. His pale face was drawn as he clutched his other arm to his chest. It was tied there with Kojiro's shirt. Oh! The kid got hurt! Kaoru rushed forward.

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