Untitled part

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I walked along the train while peeking into compartments with an angry expression on my face.

Fury surged through me as I stomped about, while I continued to look around for the only person I wanted to see right now.

When I found the right compartment I slammed the door open and saw him sitting alone at the seat near the window, he had his eyes closed and didn't even stir when I opened the door loudly. I stomped towards him and stood in front of him.

"HOW.DARE.YOU.LEAVE.ME.ALONE.WITH.HIM.DRACO.MALFOY!" I said as I gritted my teeth while I pinched his arm between every word, I was seething with rage.

"OW!Ow!Ow!" He screamed out in pain as he swatted my hand away. A furrow formed on his brow, and a blend of irritation and surprise etched across his face.

"What the fuck Ari?" He continued to grumble as he rubbed on his arm.

I threw my hands in the air in frustration as I said, "What do you mean, what the fuck? You left me alone with Zabini in that compartment on purpose didn't you??" My index finger pointed directly between his eyes.

A sudden realisation dawned on him and his expression changed from that of irritation to amusement.

He let out a small chuckle before he said, "Oh that, so how did it go?" his face was plastered with his usual smirk.

Fury surged anew within me at the sight of that smug grin plastered across his face, reigniting my determination as I launched into another assault. "How did it go??? He was being real handsy with me Draco! He could've done something to me!" I continued to pinch him all over, wherever my hands could reach.

"Ow!Ow! Stop it Aria!" Draco shouted as he held both my wrists to stop the attacks.

I scoffed before I pulled my hands away and slumped down on the seat next to him. I sat there, my gaze fixed ahead, still engulfed in seething anger.

Draco leaned forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his knees as he turned his head to look at me. "So...did he touch you...?" He made an effort to appear nonchalant, yet a fleeting flicker of guilt betrayed his true emotions, briefly flashing across his expression.

"No, definitely not due to his lack of effort, though. "I nearly kneed him in the crotch, but he was quick." I scoffed once more, my lips curling upwards in a literal expression of disdain.

Draco chuckled as he heard it, "You always know how to protect yourself Ari, that's why I'm not a least bit worried," He flashed a big grin as he said it.

I smacked him on his arm before I said, "You're lucky I'm a smart girl Draco. If something were to happen to me with Zabini, it will be on you." I scoffed again.

"Okay, okay I admit it. It's my fault. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know he would be that eager..." Draco looked at me with an apologetic smile on his face.

I snapped my head to look at him. "What did you say to him anyway? He was really being forward with me," I said as I raised an eyebrow and looked at him questioningly.

"I told him about your crush on him," he chuckled as he said it.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I heard his answer. My anger raised again as I launched another attack on him.

"I told you that in confidence Draco! You have no right to do that!" I smacked and pinched his arms as I talked.

Draco laughed while he flinched, trying to avoid my attacks. He held my hands to stop the attacks, which proved much more effective. I ceased my assault, retracting my hands as I leaned back into my seat, exhaling dramatically with an exaggerated sigh.

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