Chapter 1

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January 2015

Nine years had passed since Caitlin became a part of the Banks family. She was welcomed with open arms and showered with more love than Aphrodite could give to Cupid. Being a prodigy, she excelled in her studies, got an SAT score of 2400 and graduated from Harvard Business School at a mere age of twenty-one. Caitlin was a father's child, she helped him bring the famous family business to the second position in the whole steel market.


"FATHER, where is the job description paper of Mr.Jones" Caitlin hollered as she walked into the living room with a cup of steaming, hot coffee. Her appearance looked like a sleep-deprived beggar, her hair tangled in knots and eyes with dark blank rings under it.

"Chill out darling, you have been working since last night. Have you even had sleep? " said her father concern laced in his tone.

"Don't worry about it father, I've got everything in control. Except this Mr.Jones is creating a huge nuisance in the workplace. I don't want him to influence the others too." said Caitlin rubbing her head furiously.

"Ah. Jones has that specialty of annoying others. But let it go Caitlin, you can't make everything perfect. Come let's not talk about work for sometime. Go spend some time with your mother darling. She had been complaining non-stop last night that you're not spending any 'girl-time'with her. What ever that means. " replied Banks rolling his eyes.

"That's true, I know I've hardly spent any time with mother with all this stress bundled on my head. I'll go now father." said Caitlin with a lighter tone, different from her previously tensed one. Her father only had the magical capability to relieve her of stress and make her smile.


"Caitlin, that one looks amazing." squealed her mother pointing to the deep red halter dress like a 5-year old wanting a lollipop.

"Mom, come on I've so many dresses at home, lets do actual shopping." muttered Caitlin, dragging her mother to the nearest junk food restaurant which luckily happened to be Mc.Donalds. I hate KFC with my heart.

"You and your father are the same. Food crazed idiots." her mother whined and had no choice but to follow her daughter through the crowded shop.

"Two MC-Spicy's, a can of Sprite and Ice lemon Tea, a large fries and two apple tarts, please." Caitlin hurriedly ordered for both of them wanting to please her stomach with the enticingly delicious smell of fries and chicken.

"You are gonna get diabetes anytime. So much junk, god knows what's going to happen to your health" said her mother worriedly.

"Please mom, It's not like I eat this everyday and that too peacefully. I'm surprised we didn't get the attention of the paparazzi or the media." Caitlin said happily.

"I have to agree with that. Even more ironic is you haven't received any calls from office."Mrs.Banks said surprised.

Dramatically, Caitlin's phone began to ring. Sighing she answered it "Caitlin here."

"Ms.Caitlin, a small fire had come in your office room. The authorities say someone must have broken in and have done it purposely. You have to come here immediately." said her PA Sarah frantically.

"What nonsense" that can't be true, everyone worked in the office with great loyalty. Caitlyn hurriedly kept the phone down saying she'll come as quick as possible.

"So much for peaceful eating" her mother said worriedly, panic striking her face.

"Don't worry about it, it must be some stupid accident, I have to go now. Go home mom, we'll definitely catch up later" Caitlin said with a sad smile.

At the office -

" Caitlin you came" Sarah said hastily. She dragged me in the room and showed the mess that occurred.

The were papers thrown everywhere and the files looked tampered with, the were crumpled pieces of paper with smoke coming out of the edges of the burnt paper.

Anger flooded through my veins on the possibility of an employee doing this. Sarah informed me that the police were on the way and the forensics instructed them to not touch anything.

"The security camera stopped working at that specific time when the fire occurred. But from the gates leading to the road there was no sign of an intruder" Sarah spoke worriedly

"There's nothing we can do now. Just make sure to check if any files or documents are missing after the police come."  I said rubbing my temple.

"Dude, relax how about we go out for some drinks and you can take your mind off these issues. The security will handle it" Sarah said soothingly.

"You're right. Let's go get drunk" I said cheekily.

At the bar -

The music blasted in my ears and the smell of sweaty grinding bodies made me want to puke.

"Get us some shots" Sarah told to the bartender batting her eyelashes and pouting her plump lips, probably trying to get the guys number.

It was quite hilarious to see everyone have a good time while I was practically drowning in despair of  my sad stressful life.

Glancing over, I noticed another single guy at the bar, hunched over, ignoring everyone around him so that I could almost see the wall he was projecting around himself. In the mirror, I could see the unhappy lines on his face etched deeply, the lowest pits of  invisible shadows.

He turned his face around which almost stopped my heart beating. Almost.

His face was carved to perfection. He looked like a Greek Adonis. His  sculpted masculine build and broad shoulders radiated a mysterious power around him.

While I was staring at this godly beauty, that's when he decided to turn and I met his deep ocean blue eyes which sank into unknown
depths in my heart.

And that's when I realized it was none other than David Alexander King, my rival I hated with a passion.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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