Prologue - 1

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--Monks POV--

I grab a lantern and fasten it to my cloak, im gathering food for the colony this cycle. Alot more slugcats began sheltering from the cold here, so we've been running low on food. I grab a basket woven from the leaves of a popcorn plant, I'll be using it gather fruits. I say goodbye to myfamily and friends before setting off on my short journey. 


--Saints POV--

I wander the desolate feilds of this long abandoned land. I sensed the presence of an echo when i first arrived here, so my current mission was to find it. The cycle is getting colder and wedge my lantern deeper into my scarf to hopefully stay warm until i find shelter from the cold. I find a pipe leading into an indoor area which had a bit of heat from lanterns on pikes. I'll stay here for now. 


-Monks POV (again)-

Ive found a bit of fruit and other food, i was already pretty far away from the colony so i decided to keep foraging. I slipped through a pipe into a small,  indoor,  room. To my suprise there was a slugcat there, they were fluffy and green with three darker green markings around their pelt and scarf holding a lantern , their eyes closed. "H-hello?"

Woo first chapter done 219 words! 

i made a saint ref on my yt Eclipsed_Slugcat

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