"Couldn't agree more. I'm curious about the visualization. Also about Durmstrang. I wonder what Viktor Krum likes to do there."

Yeosang nodded in agreement, then his eyes returned to the contents of the book, about to continue reading to Yunho.


The one called immediately turned, "Yes, love? Is there something you need?"

"Promise to marathon the Harry Potter series with me."

"Oh, of course. Want to start now?"

"No, I'm tired. Can you do it tomorrow?"

"Well, I don't see why not."

Yunho smiled in response. Yeosang continued to read his book, guiding Yunho to slowly close his eyes and drift off. Yunho got the best bedtime story.

When Yeosang heard Yunho's regular breaths, he closed the book slowly, afraid of waking up his beloved. The cardiograph still showed a normal heartbeat. The IV was still dripping and flowing into Yunho's hand. Yeosang felt concern again for how Yunho was attached to various devices all over his body. He cringed at the thought of being in Yunho's position. It must be very uncomfortable.

The book was placed on the nightstand, and Yeosang gently stroked Yunho's forehead with his index finger, giving him a soft kiss.

"Goodnight, my love."

Yeosang also loved to bring Yunho a variety of foods. Salmon and tuna sushi, seaweed soup, fruits, red bean-filled hotteok, and oatmeal milk. All foods suitable for someone with Yunho's condition. He always got regularly scheduled meals from the hospital, but of course, homemade food tasted different.

"How is it? Tasty?" Yeosang asked with hope. He had gone through great trouble to bring all this, and he even prepared some of the dishes himself. He hoped not to disappoint Yunho.

Yunho smiled and nodded slowly. But a moment later, his face changed to a gloomy expression, tears streaming down. He couldn't hold them back anymore, causing Yeosang to panic instantly.

"Why? Is it that the taste is not good after all? Oh, forgive me if that's the case. Next time, I'll try harder to learn to cook better for you. If not, maybe I should just buy it." Yeosang didn't mind spending his money if it was for Yunho's happiness.

Yunho shook his head. "It's all delicious, love. Very delicious. Your hands are gifted. It's just..."

Yeosang didn't comment on anything, waiting for Yunho's continued sentence, which was left hanging. Whatever Yunho's next complaint was, Yeosang would fix it.

"I really want to eat meat. It's my favorite food. It feels so sad when I'm not allowed to eat it anymore. Forgive me, dear, I don't mean to not appreciate your gift. I truly didn't mean that. I just miss eating meat so much.”

Yunho's tears flowed more intensely. Yeosang understood it; someone as good as Yunho wouldn't express disappointment in someone's gift. Yunho just desired, more precisely, longed for something he couldn't have.

Yeosang wiped the tears from Yunho's reddened cheeks. Yeosang liked the color that he hadn't seen in a long time. But he preferred not to see it again if the reason was Yunho's sadness.

"There, there, tomorrow I'll buy you bulgogi, but just once, okay? After that, you can eat something else. There are still plenty of delicious foods you can consume." Yeosang finally said this because he felt sorry. He thought once wouldn't hurt. Afterward, Yunho could repay with regular food.

Yunho's eyes sparkled instantly. "Really?"


Yunho nodded and smiled. "I promise."

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