5. 26th of January

30 3 0

• Annie •

2:13 AM

To: Michael

Your heart compliments mine like the moon, through starry skies.


2:20 AM

From: Michael

Are you drunk?


2:30 AM

To: Michael

No, I'm clearly is not drunk


2:45 AM

From: Michael

You are. I've known you for years and this is the kind of shit that you text me when you're drunk.


2:46 AM

To: Michael

Why didn't you stay after all those years.


2:55 AM

From: Michael

Because I'm not in love with you anymore.


3:00 AM

To: Michael




I don't know why I texted that. I miss him too much now and I needed him to know that I'm still in love with him. It's 3 in the morning now and I'm actually is drunk. I'm sitting on the kitchen floor with a bottle of red wine, sipping away all of my pain and sorrows. Things like this never happened before. Maybe once or twice when I'm really sad but texting someone drunk? That never happened.

He's just next door but why does he feel so far away?


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