The sun found his perfect match

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  The moon stepped into the sun's place for the first time in a noon time . Aelius met Luna for the first time . ....Yuki shouted with joy and he hugged her . Luna too hugged him and he introduced his dad to her . They both became shy and they greeted each other . The maids were started to gossip this lady must be the landlady . They were happy that their landlord finally found his landlady . Yuki smiled on overhearing this conversation . But , both Aelius and Luna felt awkward and their face turned red .

  Yuki , told them that he thought of narrating a poem together for the final task of the parent-child activity event . They both told Yuki , " That's a great idea my boy ! " Luna asked him whether he has chosen any poem . Yuki told that his dad has chosen one poem . Aelius started to narrate the lines of The sun and  the Moon by Barrie Andrew .

" The sun needs the moon ,
   to keep the night lit bright .
   The moon needs the sun ,
   to produce the shining light .
   The sun needs the moon and
   The moon needs the sun .
   If they work together
   They can be one .

   If they work together
   They can be one .
   If they work together
   They will be one .

   If we work together ,
   We could be one .
   If we work together
   We will be one . "
Luna told Aelius that her mom used to recite this poem when she was young . Yuki spoke to himself ,  " I thought it must be hard for daddy to get mommy ... but he already started to impress her . " They both trained Yuki to recite the poem . After a while , they started to recite it together . While reciting the poem Yuki noticed that his dad and mommy was looking at each other and he became happy to see them falling for each other in their first meet itself . Then they had a meal together . Then Luna told that she would leave now .

  Aelius asked Luna , " Shall I drive for you ? " Luna became shy and told him that she would take taxi . Yuki told Luna to go with his dad . Then , she agreed and they both left the house . On the way , Luna asked Aelius what made him to choose that particular poem . He replied that you are the one behind it . She smiled at him . He told her that Yuki always mentions about how you take care of  him and it made me to become curious  to meet you . When Yuki told that you will be in place of his mom for the parent - child activity event , my curiosity increased .

  When he told his idea of reciting a poem , I remembered the meaning of our names and I picked this poem . Luna's face turned red . She blushed and told Aelius that they have arrived . Then Aelius bid a good bye to Luna and he told her that he would pick her up for the event and drove off . Luna ran into her room and jumped onto the bed and started to blush covering her face with a quilt . Her face just glowed like a full moon . Whereas our hero was like a noon time's burning sun as he forgot about the client meeting the next day . He drove to his office and started to prepare for it .

While he was preparing for the meeting he recieved a call from Yuki . Yuki asked whether he has dropped his mom at her home . Aelius replied , " Don't worry my little son , I have dropped your mom at her door step . " Yuki was so happy and he felt as if he was flying in the sky because Aelius has mentioned Luna as his mom , he felt that his dad started falling for his mom .

  After preparing for the client's meet he drove back to home . Yuki & Aelius while having their dinner both started conversing about Luna . Yuki asked Aelius , " Dad , Why do you like mom?? " Aelius blushed and started telling , " I have fallen for... hey wait !! Why...why should I like your mom ? Who loves your mom ? No , definitely not me ! " Aelius ran away from the place with a smile on his face . Yuki laughed at his dad's lovey - dovey behaviour .

  Aelius ran into his room and jumped onto the bed and started to blush covering his face with a quilt . His face was just shining like a bright sun . Yuki crawled into the room like a cat and slowly stealed his dad's mobile and he sent message to Luna . Then he kept the mobile near his dad and he slept quietly . The sun's ray entered the room and waked up Aelius . He stretched and looked at his mobile . His face started to glow as he recieved a message from Luna . On seeing the chat he found out that it must be Yuki's work . He saw yuki and smiled at him telling that this cute little matchmaker has found a best match for his dad .

He planned to go out with Luna and Yuki . He started texting to Luna but suddenly he remembered about the client meeting . So he immediately got ready and went to his office . Harsh informed Aelius that  zion zhao ( the client ) was unable to attend the meeting but his daughter siya zhao will attend the meeting on behalf of Zion . Siya entered the conference hall in the time and he introduced herself to Aelius . Aelius asked her whether they have met before . She told him that they have met once in an award ceremony . Now , Aelius remembered she is the one who recieved the best CEO award the before year . Then the meeting commenced and Aelius was really impressed by her presentation and accepted to tie up with zhao group . Siya asked him shall we meet this weekend for a dinner to disscuss it further . Aelius refused politely telling that he has something more important to do on that day . Siya was quite disappointed but she left the place silently .

She started to develop feelings for him since the day she met him at the award ceremony . She's been waiting a long for such opportunity because it will be more appropriate way to approach Aelius . But she was quite happy as she impressed him with her presentation . She decided to follow him to know more about him .


Without You ; I'm IncompleteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon