Chapter 1

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"...Trixie Hay..... Mary Knoll...... Jessica Shang....... Cathrine Wang and Zoe Zibbel, you guys are in Mr. Godfrey's room."

I watched in horror, but tried to muster a stoney face as all my friends walked into Mr. Godfrey's room without me. Trixie looked back with a sad, apologetic look on her face but I knew she was secretly happy to be in Mr. Godfrey's room. He was the best teacher to have the year before high school because he was known to push people past their limits to get their work in on time. I was very jealous. I was going to be stuck with Mr. Crandall. 

"All the remaining students please go to Mr. Crandall's class," Principal Sidebottom said as he quickly scurried off not wanting to start any beef with students on the first day.

I quickly walked into my classroom and took a seat at an empty desk far away from everyone, but of course, Ashley Sparks thought it would be a great idea to sit right next to me. I mentally rolled my eyes. Ashley wasn't what you would call a smart student, people have told her countless times they don't like her or they wish she would go kill herself but she either thinks their joking or forgets about it in 10 seconds. Ashley is also an amazing gymnast. She is so good her parents have put her in extra classes to hopefully one day join the olympics. I shot her an ice cold glare and she smiled back. See, can't take a hint.

To Ashleys left was Joshua Hallal, my ex-boyfriend. When I first met Josh he was a very kind person, very charming and was in my class, so I decided to date him. 


I walked into my classroom on the second last day of school and noticed Josh sitting in the corner talking to Murray Hill. I flirtatiously started playing with my hair and when Josh noticed he came over to me.

"Second last day of school. Feels weird. Feels like when I leave the school tomorrow I will be missing something... Unless," Josh said.

"Unless what?" I inquired.

"Erica Hale will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asked.

"OF COURSE!" I said a bit to loudly because my best friend Trixie looked over and gave me a thumbs up. 


I was scrolling through TikTok when I came across my neighbour Jenny Lakes page. I looked at the most recent video and it was of her kissing Josh and him squeezing her butt in a playful way. I was enraged and called Trixie to tell her what happened. She comforted me by saying things like 'He doesn't deserve you' or 'You could do better without him then with him'. After calling her and feeling the pain that came with the heartbreak, I decided to put up and icey wall and not show any emotion again whatsoever.


I didn't think much of my class all day, but I kept sneaking glances at Josh when nobody was looking, but other then that, I kind of just sat there, knowing everyones name but not knowing them on a personal level. I zoned out in my chair until I heard the far away sound of the bell ringing signalling the start of recess. 

I dashed out of my classroom and saw my friends were already outside. I decided to go talk to Trixie, Jessica and Zoe. 

"Hey guys,"  I said as coldly as I could muster, but I could tell Trixie could tell something was up.

"Are you that bummed about the class lists?" Zoe asked.

"Yes," I mumble coldly. Apparently Zoe could tell too.

"Yeah it's too bad, but I wish we were in the same class," Jessica said, but I could tell she didn't mean it. 

What she said made me pretty frustrated, so I mostly talked to Trixie for the rest of recess. 

Once the bell rang it was time to go inside. I walked into Mr. Crandall's room and sat down when he said, "It's time for a seating plan."

Little did I know, this seating plan would change my life forever.


Heyyyy! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I know it's a little random but we will get somewhere eventually. Hope this chapter wasn't the worst thing you have ever read! Im open to any and all comments. 


Word count- 720

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