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      "IT'S JUST one thing after the other..." You mumbled, closing The Headmaster's doors on the way out. Beginning to walk down the hallway, you mulled over what would become of you soon. "Regardless of what can be done, it seems that there is no possible way to escape the hellish imprisonment of a school's system and environment."

"Though, I can't lie and say I'm not a little curious..." You looked down at your newly given pen, the embedded stone faintly reflecting your image. "Yet, I don't feel all that excited... Maybe because I feel like this is an invitation for chaos and months of trouble I didn't sign up for... As for me..."

You angled the pen a bit to the side and the stone glimmered. "I'm not fond of this ominous feeling I'm getting by just holding this pen." You brought the pen closer for inspection, and the longer you stared into the shadowy depths of the stone, the more you felt the sensation of dread build at the pit of your stomach.

As the wind blew gently against your skin, your breath hitched, finally having the right idea to try to disassociate your mind from focusing too much on the stone. Scrunching up your face, you gave the pen one last glance before you tucked it inside the safety of your clothes. And despite the pen hidden from your peripheral vision, it didn't alleviate your anxiety in the slightest. Hell, feeling the cool surface of the stone rub against your skin made it burn. A mere pen was bothering you severely and you couldn't understand why.

"Well, at the very least... things are making a change. That's good, right...?" You told yourself, trying to force your mind to accept the stress it was put under. But, is it truly something to celebrate? Honestly, you didn't know what you wanted to happen. However, you knew it was not this. You sighed, hanging your head. You feel so drained.

All you wanted to do right now was crawl back inside your bed and embrace sleep. It is one of the momentary forms of peace that consoled your grieving soul.




Peeking over your shoulder, you saw a blur of gray approaching you. It was no other than Grim, his fluffy body running to catch up to you. And just a little behind was Yuuken and the two males whom you did not know the names of. ...Why did they choose to stick around...? You watched as Grim came to a screeching halt by your feet, panting heavily.

"Where do ya' think you're going, huh!?" He angrily pawed at your legs, all while breathing desperately for air. You lightly nudged him off your leg and he willingly fell onto his back, still heaving for air. Just how long did he run for? Either that or he was incredibly unfit.

"Ramshackle, where else?" You said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. At your answer, Grim slightly lifted his head to glare at you in irritation.

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