"I'll meet you there in a minute." I sighed, heading into the washroom, which conveniently had a window. "I might be a minute."

Tadashi rolled his eyes.

"Women . . . " He muttered before heading back down the hall and turning left.

I immediately poked my head out of the window, glancing left and right.

"Yoriichi!" I whisper-shouted.

Like magic, he appeared in front of me, peering up at the window expectantly.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, making me frown.

"Nothing's wrong." I said and he relaxed. "I wanted to see if you've found a place to train."

"Yes. " He nodded. "Get settled. I'll guide you there later."

He tilted his head to the north.

"And I found something else I want to investigate, so wait until I come and get you."

"What'd you fin-"

But he was already gone.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.



Urokodaki was by far my favorite Hashira ever.


I loved Shinjuro and Jigoro, and I knew I'd come to love the future Hashira very much as well, but Sakonji had just earned a place in my heart forever.

I had strutted down the halls to Sakonji's room, Tadashi following behind me and trying to tell me off, knocked on his door in my night kimono, and stared at him expectantly before he sighed and moved aside. I walked in and beelined straight for the bed area, only to pause in surprise.

Side by side were three large fluffy futons set up.

The room was quite nice with a writing station in one corner, a wisteria shrine in another, and a couple candles lit, giving off a peaceful atmosphere.

"Shinjuro mentioned you two didn't enjoy sleeping apart." Sakonji said, not even looking at me as he gestured Tadashi inside. "And Haruki warned me that you're quite stubborn. So I figured this was the best solution."

I smiled at Urokodaki's back fondly before going and plopping myself down on the middle futon.

"Hmm . . . you're too kind." I murmured, nestling into the soft bedding.

After living a previous lifestyle of raised bedding and seating, I'd become one with the ground, and now it was my preferred lifestyle.

I ignored Tadashi's profuse apologies to Urokodaki and sighed, thinking about the future.

I have four more months until I go through Final Selection. After that, they'll stop hovering and I'll be on my own. Which is both a good thing and bad one. I have Yoriichi, which is and isn't as amazing as it sounds. He treats me like a child, expected, but he also doesn't seem to trust me.

He trains me, and teaches me key movement and tips. He's friendly and casual with me, but when I ask him things I already know the answer to, he tries to avoid the conversation.

It's annoying.

My eyes narrowed at the ceiling as Sakonji went around blowing out the candles. I listened to them get into bed while I stubbornly refused to allow the future to be set in stone.

"Goodnight, Tadashi, Sakonji." I said softly.

They said their own goodnights but I was strung with determination.

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