Why aren't you paying attention to me? (Chapter 5)

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"Aye, I can walk myself." I say to Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi stops and lets go of my wrist and turns to face me.  "Alright, fine." 

He then starts to walk away, he expects me to follow behind him. I then start to walk away from him. Cheng Yi looks back at me, he's wondering why I'm not following him.

"What the hell? Why aren't you following me?!" He seems annoyed and continues to look back at me.

"Why should I?"

"Because I need to lead you to the dorms, idiot." He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh.

"I know where they are, plus its lunch time. I never expected you to be so dumb. Did that drawing I made make you forget or something?"

He stands there in silence, blushing slightly from embarrassment. I decide to start walking the the cafeteria on my own. He starts to follow behind me to the cafe. As we both arrive at the cafe, we head to the lunch menu, we both queue up in wait. A few minutes pass and it's my turn to order.

I order a salad, chicken and rice, and milk tea. Cheng Yi also orders food, he chooses spaghetti bolognese with water as his beverage. I sit down at one of the tables and he sits with me, he grabs his food and starts eating. He eats quickly and finishes his first plate of food. Cheng Yi is hungry, he grabs a second serving and finishes that too. He is now looking at me while eating his second serving, he waits for you to finish too. "That short and skinny thing can eat so much but he's still that size." I say in my head.

I finish eating and don't pay attention to him. He seems to want to say something to you, he finishes eating.

"What's up with you?" He then finishes his drink. "Why aren't you paying attention to me?" He looks at you with a straight face.

"why should I, you twig." I say

"Twig?" He glares at me, he's annoyed by what I've said. "You know what? Fine, I'm not going to force you to pay attention to me." He then stands up and throws away his dish, just glad that I finally talked to him again. "Let's go back to the dorms." He starts to walk away, he doesn't wait for you.

"What do you mean lets go. We don't live in the same dorm hall. Do you want me to sleep with you again or something." I scoff and a group of people hear what I say.

"Sleep with you? Don't be disgusting." What I meant was, aren't we going to walk back to the dorms together?" He turns back and looks at me. "If you're going to say something perverted like that again, then you can go back to the dorms by yourself." Cheng Yi rolls his eyes and walks away, he doesn't bother to wait for me.

"We slept together last night." I shrug.

He stops walking when I say that. "We didn't sleep together." He scoffs. "We just shared a bed for a night, stop being so... you're making it sound so disgusting. Come on, let's head back." He grabs my wrist again and starts to walk.

"That's literally the same thing."  

"It's not! I just... whatever, you know what I meant by now." He sighs. "Now, come on, let's go." He still hold onto my wrist, he just starts walking away while still dragging me behind him.

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