Prologue Chapter

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= This means The Person is Speaking In Malay =

" This means The Person id Speaking In English "

[ This means The Person is Speaking In Japanese ]

' This means The Person is thinking or Talking through Their Head '

This means The Person is Comunicating through Advanced Technology
( Power Watches, Hologram, Etc)

This is a Prologue Chapter on how The Hell Class 1-A, Aizawa, And All Might Got into The BoBoiBoy Universe.


Class 1-A was doing a Hero Training With All Might and Their Training is Being Watched by Aizawa, They didn't Think They were being Watched by Someone Else than Aizawa. But of Course Aizawa had a Feeling Someone Is Watching Them, But He decided to Ignore it for now as Nothing Bad was Happening. Bad Choice.......

= Fufu, These Heroes really got Their Guards Down. That One seemed to Realised Something or Someone is Watching Them....... Too Bad He Ignored it....... I'll finish Them There =

Then suddently, When all of Them Was gathered near Each Other, Not That Close but Close enough. A Portal Appeard Underneath Them and Shadow Hands grabbed Their Feet And dragged Them in The Portal.

[ Eh?! What's happening?! ] Asked Uraraka, Panicking.

Most of The Other Students Are also Panicking, The Teachers aswell as They couldn't get out of The Shadow Hands grip.

[ These....... Hands Are really Strong....... I can't get out! ] Everyone Turned to All Might after He Said That.

[ Even All Might couldn't get out?! ] All Of Them shouted except for Bakugo And Todoroki Who is still trying to get Out of The Hands Grip.

'I knew I had a Feeling Someone is Watching Us....... But I didn't expect This!' Aizawa thought, Then....... They Dissapered through The Portal.

While all of Them were in The Portal All of Them wandered around The Portal trying to look for a way out, It Was not an instant Portal and Probably needed Time to Teleport Them so ( Probably because The Portal was transporting Them to Another Dimension)

[ Everyone! Gather back here! Don't Wander around! ] Aizawa Said to The Class [ But Aizawa-Sensei! We could Maybe find an Exit! ] Iida Said as He Goes to Aizawa and All Might Place. [ There is no way this Portal have an Exit, No Portals have Exits. And Considering this Portal is Pitch Black....... ] [ I....... See....... Everyone! Gather to All Might and Aizawa-Sensei! There's no Exit here! ] Iida informed The Class as They all Gathered.

[ What Are We supposed to do now?! ]
[ What will happen to Us?! Huhuhu]
[ Where is this Portal even bringing Us? ]

[ Wait! I-If this Portal is Teleporting Us Somewhere, W-We could Ask for help To The Others that is near! We could Also maybe found a Hero that could Help Us! ] Midoriya suggested.

[ Tch, But what if this Portal is Teleporting Us to a Villian Base?! You Deku! ]

[ I- ] Midoriya stayed Silent, What Bakugo Said was Right....... If They Were teleported to a Villian Base, There was no way of Them trying to Ask Them for help.

Then, A Bright Light filled The Portal, Making Them either Close Their Eyes, Cover Their Eyes with Their Hands, Or Both.

[ W-Wait! I think We're going to Teleport! ] Said Koda.

[ Aaaaaaa! Shoji hold Me! ] Mineta Screamed in Terror as He climed onto The Buff Teenager.

Then, They have finally teleported And got out from The Portal, All of Them Are laying on each other. They Were Unconcious for a Short While, Maybe 5 Minutes? 15 Minutes? Then As They wake up and tried to get Down.......

[ Ow! Get off Me! ]
[ Ugh....... It's so hard being Tiny! ]
[ Get off Me Deku! ]
[ Ugh....... Is Everyone Okay.......? ]
[ A-All Might, C-Could You....... Get off Me? ]
[ Eh, I'm sorry Young Kaminari! ]

Then as Their Visions cleared more, They scanned The Whole Room Their In, Being Wary of Their Surroundings. It was a really Advanced Place, Many Technologies They've never even seen Before.......

[ Woah, This Place looks Cool! ]
[ Modern and Advance aswell! ]
[ Too Advanced actually....... ]
[ Shut up You Extras! ]

Then infront of Them They Saw 5 Teenagers around The Class Age Standing in front of Them, One was Kneeling and was more close than The Others.

One was a Boy wearing an Orange Vest and Orange Dinasour Hat that Was worn Backwards, The Kid had Brown Eyes and Black Hair.

Another One was a Girl wearing a Pink Head Scarf, She had Brown Eyes And was wearing Pink Closed Outfit And not revealing at all.

Then another Boy who wore a Red Headband with One White Stripe on It, He wore Green and Yellow, He was Fat, Dark-Skinned and also Taller than All of The Teenagers infront of Them.

Then there was a Girl with Round Glasses and was wore Blue and Yellow, She had Blue Eyes and was Whiter than The Other Teenagers Infront of Them.

And lastly a Boy with Spiky Dark Purple Hair and Blue Visors with Purple Edges. He was wearing Dark Colored Clothes.

= Uhm, Excuse Me, Who Are You and How did You get here? = The Dinasour Hatted Boy asked in a Language They Didn't understand.

" Do You Speak English? " Aizawa Asked while Speaking in English.

" Yes! I do, So um, Who Are You and How did You get here? " The Boy Asked Them in English.

To be continued.......


Sorry that this Chapter is really Short! I'm gonna try to make upcoming Chapters more long!

912 Words!

Oh and The Main Villain for this Story Is Fanmade!

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