Going Somewhere New

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The next day he woke up to the sound of nothing. strange usually he only awaks to the blaring sound of his alarm. He looks over to his bedside table. Hazy, his eyes can  barley decipher the numbers written on it. "6:35 am".... fuck... fuck Fuck FUCK. He was late! He jolted out of bed grabbed whatever clothes he found hanging around and easily accessible. "Just my luck" he thought "the only time I actually need this alarm to work it doesn't..." he struggled to put on his pants which angered him more "UGH! WHY TODAY OUT OF ALL DAYS" he huffed and puffed until he finally managed to get himself dressed. Grabbed his backpack and sprinted out the door.
He ran all the way to the train station, occasionally bumping into school children on their way to school, shop owners who woke up early to start a long work day, impatient buisness men talking on the phone  bitterly explaining statistic to Their coworkers who never bothered to read through the emails sent to them. After every bimp he would blurt out a mumbled "I'm sorry" or "excuse me". I guess he underestimated his speed because by the time he finished his rushed apology he'd be too far ahead for the victims to hear what he was saying. Finally he made it through to the station he quickly exchanged glances between his ticket and the dozens of panels trying to locate himself in the building . It really annoyed that a building which he has explored multiple times was causing him such confusion. The only logical explanation: he must be too caught up in the mess in his own head to navigate even a space that he's explored many times. He takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself enough to reset a clear mapping of the train station. Thankfully it worked he was now less frantic about his situation. This new found sense of calmness untied the knot of his bad luck and within less than a minutes of looking around he found his train that was yet to leave. Incredible, a start of hope, maybe he wasn't so unlucky after all. 1s he gets on his train he realises that It is at moments like these where he finds himself grateful for his years of training that allowed him to somewhat effortlessly run all the way to his destination without breaking so much as a sweat( minus his minor breakdown I guess. But that is more psychological than it is physical) . To be fair, it still was concerning that he RAN all the way to train station without a sheading a single drop of sweat. Must be his weight control doing it's magic again. He laughs at the idea that he has dried his body reserve of all the water stored up. What's next? He will lose his ability to blink? Maybe he should move on now, save himself from this pathetic state. That does sound good, not having to sacrifice himself and his career with every match. No, the word echos in his head. Well,... not yet at least. He still has to achieve something first. He decides to shut his mind off before he starts sulking over missed opportunities from the past. This was a new start after all. Ichiro rests his head against the train windows his eyelids getting heavy. Although he had just woke up no longer than 20 minutes ago, he was still exhausted. The trip is 3 hrs long it won't hurt to sleep for some of it. He does need to restore his energy for the extensive training that's waiting for him. That's what he likes to tell himself. He knows his sleeping habits have been getting a bit... Offhand lately. When's he's not training he's sleeping. He tries go convince himself that his weight wontrol along with his endless training tires him. But we all know why he does that. Where it might of originally started as a healthy way to restore energy, soon he realizes that sleep became a sort of momentary escape of life. Before he knew it he has now wasted the past year of life rotting in his gym/room. Whenever he does try to do anything else he gets this overwhelming sense of anxiety that makes him unable to enjoy his rambles. So if he's not enjoying taking a break that involves being a social being,whats the point of going anyway. He can stick to what he knows and what he's confortable with. Two birds with one stone, he gets better at his career and he's enjoying himself. Win win situation. And when he's tired he can sleep. What a great life plan he has. Before he knows it it's been 3 hours and he's arrived to his destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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A change of heart (a Miyata Ichiro X Sendo Takeshi (Hajime No Ippo) Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now