Lessons from Kariya Masaki.

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Translation: Example: Fuck Knows —it means I don't know, in normal slang. It can be pronounced abbreviated as xs. There is not much difference, as you will say. It all depends on you, as it is easier for you. However, people often speak in abbreviated xs.

Оригинал: Пример: Хуй Знает —это означает не знаю, в нормальном сленге. Его можно произносить сокращённо—хз. Разницы, как вы будете говорить, особо нет. Тут все зависит, от вас как вам проще. Однако, люди чаще говорят, по сокращенному хз.


(I decided to insert the original text here. Because I want to show you what a big difference there is in translation. ) This mini fanfiction was written with a certain irony. As I said earlier, I tried to interpret, under the English language, the meaning of everything is still lost. Therefore, I decided to just translate everything as it is...))

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— Do you understand everything? — Kariya asked, looking at the aliens.

—Yes, — replied Ozrock.

—Pussy...— Said Masaki.

Ozrock frowned. — What does that mean?

— And this means... — Kariya looked at Ozrock, from top to bottom and turned to Kyosuke. — Listen, don't you have a feeling that Ozrock looks like Ozrock?

— Ozrock, in the sense of a cockroach?

— Yeah. — The kid with the birch—colored hair replied.

— But you're right. — Tsurugi added and chuckled.

— What are you staring at? — Ozrock replied nervously.

— Just forget it. — Kariya said.


After an hour of trying to explain slightly more complicated words.

— Ugh...— tired. He lay down on the table. I didn't think it would be so bad... — muttered Kariya.

— Now, I'm sure I can tell that blond guy to fuck off! — Tsurugi's clone spoke confidently and proudly.

— Well, at least you've mastered that in half a day. But as for your friend the cockroach, then everything is sad... it's not given to him, it's. — Kariya said, looking at Ozrock.

— What did you call me? — Ozrock was indignant.

— Forget it. By the way, are you planning to return me to your friends at all? — Masaki asked the question he was interested in.

— Yes, in the form of another clone. — Ozrock replied.

— Vtfc? Are you freaking out there?! — Kariya was indignant.

— At the moment, it is not profitable for us to return you. You're going to turn us in. — Ozrock replied.

— Tch... all my plans were ruined... Well, at least you've learned something....

Tsurugi glared at them menacingly but said nothing.

— Let's go, because you are clearly superfluous here. — Ozrock said, with a commanding tone.

— "Princess Lalaya, can I ask you something?" — Tsurugi turned to the girl.

— Yes, about what? "What is it?" — she asked.

— Can we keep Kariya? — Who knows what they can do to him?

...After all, he's your friend. — The girl said.

Masaki looked at them thoughtfully. — What kind of relationship are they in? " Well, it doesn't matter. Fortunately, I won't hang out with these jerks..." — Said Kariya, looking at Ozrock and Tsuruga's clone.


Notes: This is the penultimate chapter. The next one will be the final part.)

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