Chapter 2: Morning Investigations

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Background Song: Tom Tom- Holy Fuck

George awoke at 9:00, his family was no doubt out doing something together, a restaurant, a store, a movie didn't matter, they wouldn't be back for hours anyway. He took a five minute shower, brushed his teeth, and applied deodorant, he spent what felt like hours standing in front of the mirror with a frown on his face, he never liked how he looked, and neither did anyone else clearly, most people he met disliked him, others pretended not to, few were kind, he had dozens of enemies, and this hobby would no doubt make more. He got his outfit on and walked out that back door this time, he slowly and quietly went through the town, he thought about the door, rusty with a drop of blood in front of it, no doubt the blood would be cleaned by now, good thing he remembered where the door was. He entered through the same way, the window was surprisingly still open, he noted that down, he made his way through the halls, and saw the door, he first decided to head to the maintenance room, checked the whole area, nothing was there. Spare key are seemed promising, but nothing to do with the strange door, he was heading to the principal's office when suddenly security came into the building, he looked through the window to the office, a key was on the desk, he had no time to pull open the door and grab it, he opened the nearest window and climbed out it, closing it afterwards. He walked home and put the suit away, he would have to clean it tomorrow, his parents came home and barely spoke to him, his brother simply pushed past him to go to his room. Another lead was good, but school was tomorrow and he couldn't exactly show up in costume, he decided to tough through it, he had to.

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