New Faces

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Despite his earlier doubts, he had to admit Semi was right in his prediction that a walk would help clear his mind.

To his surprise, the forest was nothing short of magical, to the point he wondered if they were soon going to stumble upon a fairy ring. The sun rays shone through the branches and painted golden patterns on the ground, the light breeze playing with their hair as they slowly advanced deeper among the trees.

He could probably spend hours just sitting in the shade of one of the giant maples and listening to the birds singing above his head. If he had time for that of course.

But perhaps this was exactly what they needed in their lives. To slow down and enjoy the little things.

As if reading his thoughts, Semi wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him closer to his side.

"You know, I think we could make a little tradition from this."

Shirabu raised his eyebrow but still leaned more into Semi's side. "From what?"

"From walking around here. I don't mean every day because we probably won't have time for that, but let's say, once every three days or so, what do you say?" His smile grew softer as he removed a stray strand of hair from Shirabu's forehead. "Just to unwind a bit after work?"

"Well, I mean, isn't that one of the reasons why we bought this house?" noted Shirabu with a shrug. "It would be a shame to just sit at home, right?"

Light jolts ran through his skin when Semi kissed his cheek, and he instinctively snuggled closer, relishing the ever-so-pleasant warmth always radiating from his boyfriend.

As long as he had Semi by his side, everything was possible.

The peace of the forest, while serving only as a momentary distraction, worked wonders on Shirabu's mind. As they slowly let the barely visible forest path lead them back to their home, he found himself recalling the boxes standing in the living room with much less disdain than before.

Perhaps there really was something on Semi's wonderstruck blabbering about the magical healing powers of the trees.

"You know what we should do?" mused Semi along the way, his eyes still trailing around as if he was a little kid in a candy store. "Go camping. Nothing planned, just take a tent, backpacks and go settle somewhere deep in the forest for a day or two."

Shirabu scrunched his nose. "Why are you so keen to spend your time outside?"

"Because, my dear, I spent my whole life in Tokyo and now I want to make the most out of living in the countryside."

"And do you have to drag me along?"

"Of course, that's part of the fun. And you need to get out sometimes too." A small pout appeared on Semi's lips. "You're always closed in the hospital I'm surprised your legs didn't turn into roots yet."

Raising his eyebrow, Shirabu not-so-gently elbowed him in the ribs, earning a surprised, and slightly offended huff.

"You're one to talk. You're either in the office or jumping around on the stage."

"But at least I make an effort to go out. Unlike someone."


The rest of the sentence was left unsaid.

Shirabu paused, his steps halting when he spotted a man standing on the porch, rocking slightly from one leg to the other and with his hand already raised to knock on the door.

"Do you know him?" asked Shirabu quietly, leaning to Semi's ear.

Semi shook his head. "No. Maybe it's our neighbour?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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