{Chaennie} - too much (requested)

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Jennie let out a sigh of relief as she and Rosie dragged their feet through the front door.

"I'm so tired," Jennie said.

"Me too. What a long day." Rosie spoke before looking at the clock. "It's two am."

Jennie rubbed her temples, trying to get rid of the headache that she'd felt for the last little while.

They left early this morning to head into practice and they've been working hard ever since.

They were happy to finally be home as they looked forward to crawling into bed and cuddling you and each other after a long day.

"I'm so tired," Jennie said. "Y/N is probably asleep by now."

Rosie nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'm sure she is. Let's head up to bed."

Jennie followed her up the stairs and rubbed her tired eyes.

She nearly bumped into Rosie as she suddenly stopped in front of her.

"What is it?" Jennie asked.

"The light in the workout room is still on," Rosie spoke. "And I hear someone in there."

Jennie frowned and they both made their way into the room to find that you were in there.

Your back was facing them.

You were running on the treadmill, your shirt practically soaked with sweat as you kept moving.

"Baby?" Jennie called out.

But you didn't hear them because you had your headphones in.

The closer they got to you, the more they could hear that you were panting and dripping with sweat.

You've been working out a lot lately, even more than they usually do.

"Y/N?" Rosie spoke as she reached your side, reaching out to turn off the treadmill.

You turned your head and saw her and then looked back at Jennie.

You looked exhausted and, honestly, a little miserable too.

"Oh, hey. I didn't hear you come in." You said.

You went to step off, only for your knees to buckle a little.

Jennie wrapped her arms around you to catch you.

"Careful, careful!"

She and Rosé helped you sit down before Rosie grabbed your water bottle.

It was almost empty but there were a few drops in it still.

"Here, drink this, baby." She said before handing it to you.

You drank what was left before wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"It's after two am. We thought you'd be in bed by now." Jennie said.

'It's that late already? Wow." You said.

"How long have you been in here?" Rosie asked.

You looked away from them and stared at the floor.

"Y/N? How long have you spent in here today?" Jennie asked.

"Basically all day." You confessed.

"What!?" They said in unison.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah. But otherwise, I've been in here."

"Oh, baby, you need to rest," Rosie said. "No wonder you almost passed out."

"You're working out way too much," Jennie said. "What's going on?"

"I'm just stressed." You said. "I don't know how to handle all of the stress I'm under so I've been doing this. I just need to relieve it otherwise."

Your girlfriends sighed before sitting down beside you.

"Baby, there are better ways of doing that. Working out is good but not this much, not to this extent." Rosie spoke.

"I know. It was just easy to do this." You mumbled, a little ashamed.

"We know. But there are other ways. You can talk to us or you could get into therapy." Jennie said. "There are better, healthy ways other than pushing yourself and your body to such extremes."

"I know. I'll do better."

"You're doing a great job, baby. But let's find better ways to eliminate this stress that's weighing so heavily on you. We'll discuss it and figure out our options tomorrow. Just know that every step of the way, we're with you." Rosé smiled.

"I love you both."

"We love you too," Jennie said with a sparkle in your eyes.

"How about we all go take a shower together, have a little snack, and then cuddle up in bed for the night?" Rosie suggested.

"Sounds perfect." You smiled.

You got up and headed into the bedroom with them, feeling lucky and grateful to have two loving, caring girlfriends.

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