Chapter 8 - The Reactor

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"Alright, here's our plan," Sniper said.

He quickly recounted what Engie had told them at the tower. Their current plan was still to find a way to restore power to the tower's elevator and get themselves to the teleporter room. How would they accomplish any of that? Neither of them knew. All they knew was that there would be no respawning this time around. Death would be permanent.

"UAC facilities are usually powered by a reactor. The Slayer could help you find it since most bases have similar layouts."

"Lead the way; I've got no idea where we're headed anyways."

"Zhat's just you, mein friend," Medic remarked sarcastically. "Zhe rest of us figured out zhe facility maps on day one."

"Oh shut up, Doc. Those things were cluttered as hell. And none of them showed the reactor."

The Doom Slayer ignored their banter and began walking out of the storage room. The two decided to follow. It would've been impossible to go along with him through the dark corridors, but his visor gave off a dim blue light that was bright enough to see. 

An unknown amount of time later...

"Mein legs are really getting tired from all zhis valking..." Medic groaned, wiping fresh Imp blood off his Ubersaw. "Plus, squinting in zhe dark is giving me a headache."

"Don't ya got some kind of medicine for that?

"Of course I do; I've cured every disease and medical inconvenience known to mankind! It's just...zhey're all at zhe hideout."

"How unfortunate."


The two are silent as they keep walking. The only sound was the Slayer's heavy footsteps reverberated down the steel corridor. With nothing better to do, Sniper reached into his vest pocket and took out his remaining bullets. He counted each one then put them back in his pocket to keep track. 

"Oi, Mr. Slayer. How much longer are we gonna keep walking? I'm runnin' low on ammo."

The Slayer stopped walking for a moment and grabbed something from his suit of armor. Suddenly, something heavy and metallic fell to the floor right beside Sniper's shoe. He felt around and managed to pick it up. Something rattled inside as he ran his hand on its surface. 

Sniper's fingers then brushed against what seemed to be a pile of high caliber cartridges. An ammo box this large could contain up to a hundred rounds. 

"Thanks mate."

"No problem," VEGA replied. "You two can also stop complaining now. The reactor's right around the corner."

"Oh zhank God!" Medic cried. "I vas on zhe verge of taking steroids to keep going."

Sniper turned to Medic with a puzzled look. "I think sitting down for second would be a significantly better idea."

"Agreed," VEGA chimed in.

"And get left behind in zhe dark? Vhat a fantastic idea," Medic quipped.

Sniper sighed. "Forget it; we're already here."

"So, Mr. Slayer, how are we going to get this reactor working again?"

"Well, assuming the reactor simply ran out of fuel, we'll do that by inserting some energy cells," VEGA explained. "If it needs maintenance, I'll guide you on how to fix it."

The Slayer suddenly stopped. Above them was a glowing sign reading "Reactor". The door seemed to be locked since the Slayer reeled back and slammed his fist into it. Judging from the loud crashing sounds and escaping lights, they had a way in.

"Beware of demons. They're attracted to the energy given off by the reactor; even the inactive ones."

"Noted," Medic replied.

In contrast to the pitch darkness outside, the reactor room was burning their retinas out. Sniper's sunglasses suddenly weren't out of place while Medic had to cover his eyes until they adjusted to the brightness. 

The reactor was right in the center; two large opposing turbines on the ceiling and floor with an orb of red and orange light in between. They seemed to be stabilizing the constantly shifting energy ball. Crimson clouds radiated from it like an opaque mist. 

Streams of this mist were being drawn from the orb into four spires of pulsating flesh and jagged teeth. Each spire had a large, demonic eye on it, staring down at the trio. Next to each spire was a swirling red and black abyss. The demons were using the core's energy to keep the portals open; trapping us here and reinforcing their army. 

"So zhis is vhy zhe facility is pitch black," Medic remarked.

"Indeed. We must destroy them."

With that, the Slayer marched over to the nearest spire and stabbed his Doomblade into its black iris, causing an ear piercing screech rang out, forcing Sniper and Medic to cover their ears. Numerous demons began to emerge from the four portals. Two Hell Knights came through fearlessly threw themselves at the mercs.

Sniper quickly raised his rifle and blew one's head right off; sidestepping its headless corpse. Medic nailed the other through the eye with a crossbow bolt, causing it to stumble. He grinned maniacally before lunging at the wounded beast and stabbing it repeatedly with his Ubersaw; using its agony to fuel his Ubercharge. 

"HAHAHA!! Zhank you for your contribution to science!!"

The Doom Slayer was a total blur as he ripped and tore way to the next spire. Another shrill screech soon rang out. This time, a loud, guttural roar responded. The nearest portal stretched and grew until a large, robotic hoof emerged. Then another leg, then the rest of the Tyrant's body. 

The creature's beady yellow eyes were fixed onto the mercs as it unleashed its energy blade and stepped forward to bring it down on them. The two sidestepped the searing slash and frantically fired at it. Meanwhile, the Slayer leapt at the beast, delivering a Super Shotgun blast to its face. The Tyrant reeled but stood its ground, firing rockets sporadically into the air. 

Sniper took his chance to shoot the nearest spire, nailing it right in the eye. The spire screeched then disintegrated in a burst of orange sparks. 

"Come out, cowards!! I know you vant to!!"

Turning his attention back to Medic, the German was battling demons that kept popping in and out of thin air. He seemingly had the situation under control as he preemptively stabbed where they would appear. As the last creature disintegrated from having its skull split in half, the mist clouded Doctor turned towards Sniper with a maniacal glint in his eyes.

"ÜberCharge ready!"

Medic took out a different medigun, the Kritzkrieg, and flipped the switch before fixing the beam onto Sniper. The marksman immediately put a glowing, electrified round into the Tyrant's left eye. The beast roared as the superheated bullet melted inside its skull. Its face began to smoke from the molten lead. 

Taking advantage of the wounded beast, the Slayer threw himself against its chest and pushed it to the ground. His blade shot out and pierced its vulnerable throat. Then he sliced the head clean off and tossed it to the wayside. Meanwhile, Sniper had dealt with the two remaining spires, closing the last portal. 

The once pristine room was painted red with the demons' blood.

Author's Note: I dunno what else to say; I straight up lost interest in writing whenever school started. I'll get back to it when I can, though.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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