♡Chapter 2.♡ Wářmțh.?

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Ello!! I got bored and decided to start writing, If I mess anything up, Don't be shy to correct me in the comments.


Onto the story.

3rd person POV (I think)

TW's : fainting.? Idk-

Time skip, he did make a small home out of the cave, and it has been a few months. Though over time he was discovered and hunted..


Tommy woke up to the rays of sunlight poking through the leaves that covered the small opening. He got up and stretched in the small space, He poked his muzzle out through the leaves which were slightly wet because the morning dew. He was dazed for a moment from the sudden light, Though he slowly walked out and began searching for food.

He found a small berry bush and learned they were edible, so he began munching slowly on them.

He jumped quickly and bolted away when he heard quiet whispers which then an arrow missed him barely. He bolted away quickly and ran for a while, He ended up getting shot with the arrow in his hind leg hip. He yelped when it happened, though managed to continue running.

He ran past a stranger with long pink hair in a braid, leaned against a tree, And watched him run by. Tommy stopped running near a large tree stump, He panted and fell to the ground, his vision filling into black dots until he saw the tall stranger with tusks approach him, He hissed in fear and backed away, pressing his back against the tree stump.

Techno's POV


I leaned against the tree and sighed, Relaxing for a moment in the quiet morning. I saw a blonde-ish raccoon run by me, I got up and waited for a second, before bringing myself to follow it. I went over and saw it fall to the ground, I approached it only to see it hiss at me in fear, now that I was close to it, I saw how injured it was.. though my face remained its normal emotionless expression. Though I did feel sympathy for the poor thing..

I kneeled down to the thing and looked at it for a moment, I was trying to figure what to do with it.

Finally I noticed it passed out and I slowly, but gently picked it up and held it in the warmth of my arms, I carried it into my cottage and set it down in a blanket next to my fireplace, It seemed comfortable though tensed from the pain, Now the hard part.. Helping its wounds. . .

Eventually it woke up when of course, I was in the middle of bandaging it. It yelped and tried jumping back, Though I grabbed it back gently, which it struggled a lot, I could tell it was hurting itself by just trying to defend itself from a non-threat.

My arm was clawed up with scratch marks and bite marks from it.

As it was scrambling around trying to free itself from my grasp I tried telling it to stop-

"NO- ST- T- That hurts you know-"

I tried telling the thing. It ignored me and calmed down after it ran out of energy.. So I finally sighed and continued bandaging it.

Ph1LzA's POV


I was coming over to visit Techno, I reached the Cottage only to hear yelling, That some of the words that were heard from Techno were :

"NO- __ _ ____ Hurts you Know-"

Most of it was muffled, But it was kind of funny to hear randomly, He knocked on the door only to see the door open and see a upset Technoblade with cuts and bites on his left arm. And a furrowed gaze from him.

I choked out a laugh for a moment

"Awh what happened to you mate?"

I chuckled

And he left over to the living room, So I followed and shut the door behind me, And he sat down on the floor, and revealed underneath blankets, A fluffy blonde raccoon with bandages all over it.

"Oh? What happened to them?"

I tilted my head curiously

The raccoon just glared at me every once in a while, Though I ignored it.

The gremlin child Tommy's POV


I just sat there in the mound of blankets and didn't care about there conversation, Though I could tell it was about me.

I accidently sat on my injured paw and chirped in pain and shuffled a bit, they stopped talking and looked at me for a moment. It seemed they decided it was nothing, though the tall pink haired one kneeled down to me once again and grabbed my into his lap, and re-covered me in blankets..

For once.. I felt- Safe. . .

It was weird yet calming.

I settled in and fell asleep nearly instantly.

~~~Time skip~~~ Same POV

It was later in the day and I woke up in if I remember correctly, "Techno's" Lap still.

I slowly got up and wandered around the house, limping still, I found the fridge and wanted to get some food, So I looked around briefly to make sure no one was there, and surely enough no one was. . .

I quickly transformed into my human form, With my ears and tail apart of it,

I opened the fridge and dug around a bit until I quickly turned around from hearing something, To see Techno looking at me confused and kind of angry.

I slowly shut the fridge and looked at him in slight fear, And pressed to the wall on my side, Only to fall the the floor in fear when he approached me- I put my hands out in front of me, Trying to counter any potential hits coming- but... Nothing came, He stood there confused and walked closer, Kneeling down at me,

"What are you doing here. . . ?"

I was shaking a bit, I had my face buried in my arms.

I heard the door close and looked up for a moment to see a tall man walk in the kitchen with chocolatey brown curly hair and a maroon colored beanie

He looked concerned and walked over to me, and kneeled down next to Techno, he had sympathy coated over his face.

I looked up at them for a moment- Though suddenly everything was spinning and black spots appeared in my vision- I sat up trying to figure out what was happening- Only for everything to fade black . . .


C l i f f h a n g e r : D

If anything is wrong or I misspelled anything, don't be afraid to correct me.

Anyways go eat some food, a snack. Anything.

Drink some water and stay safe and heathy.

Have a good day/night!

My sleep is slowly deteriorating.

And I'm sick now D:

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