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"Alright everyone sit down. We're going to get started in here right away. Our first unit in this class is volleyball."
I did a little cheer in my head i was so happy I love volleyball and I'm pretty damn good at it too!
"NATALIE!!!!! HEY GIRLY!!" I ran up to her and we hugged lol.
"Damn Alyssa have you seen some of the guys in our class? Some of them are pretty hot." I turned around to see them all basically staring at me and Nat. Well that's cool I guess.
"Look 3 o'clock he's cute and the one standing next to him." I turned back around to make it not obvious that we were looking at them.
"Oohh you go Alyssa and they are pretty cute I would say. HOLY SHIT DONT TURN AROUND BUT THEYRE WALKING TOWARDS US-oh and I'm pretty sure they're both staring at your ass."
"Uh hey I'm Taylor and this is my friend Cam" another one of his friend ran up to us and apparently his name is Nash.
" Hey I'm Alyssa and this is Natalie. "
"So what grade are you guys in?" He asked. He seemed like a pretty chill dude and plus he was hot.
"Well we're both freshmen" Natalie spoke up because I didn't say anything- I was basically just starting at Taylor. He was so cute UGH!
"Damn you both look like you could be older," I felt heat rising to my checks "we are all sophomores."
"Ah cool!" Natalie said once again because I was basically daydreaming HAHA.
"So Alyssa-" oh shit one of them said my name. "I saw you playing volleyball I think do you play for MEVBA?"
"Uh yeah how did you know?!"
"Well my cousin is on a 15u team there and I thought I've seen you before when you were in Orlando for nationals I was in Florida already for vacation and my cousin was playing like 15 minutes away so I decided to come watch. Besides, who would pass up girls in spandex?!" All of his friends said "ooooohhhhhhh" and patted his shoulder.
"Seriously?! Who's your cousin?!" I asked omg was this really happening.
"Cecilia...I talked to her one time after a game and I said that number 11 was pretty good and she said that it was like one of her best friends on the team and to be honest an ass like that is hard to forget..." He glanced down at my ass and smirked
Oh. My. Lord. Did he just say that. My cheeks started getting really red I could feel them "Oh ya! Me and Cecilia are like best friends! That's really funny how like this whole thing worked out!"
"Well to get to my point here can I be on your volleyball team in here? Because I wanna win and I need a pro like you to win! Well actually my friends wanna be with you too"
Natalie shoved me and raised her eyebrows like 'you go get it girl'. I said okay as long as Natalie and Laur can be with us. We totaled out to 6 played, which was perfect. As the games began we won every single one of them like 9-25 and stuff like that.
Well gym was over and I was taking down the nets and the poles because I was literally the only one that knew how to do it. Taylor came over and tried helping me but made an ever bigger mess. Lol it's the thought that counts.
"Hey so Alyssa I was thinking we should hang out sometime! Like me you cam and you can even invite Natalie or Laur it's up to you."
"Ya that sounds chill when were you thinking?"
"I don't know but I'll need your digits first..."
I was such a dummy I could feel I was blushing whatever he was just so cute!!! He handed me his phone and I put my number in
"Oh and from after school, so like 2:30ish to like 5:00 I have volleyball so I will most likely not answer"
"Damn your a hardcore volleyball-er. Ey but I'm not complaining," he glanced at my booty "tell me when you have games I wanna come"
I kinda hated how he kept looking at my butt it was fuckboy-ish.
"Yep I will!"
Now what happens next was way to soon and I didn't like it at all considering I had never had a boyfriend lol ik lame but it was just uncomfortable. He....

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