The Big Fight

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She wasn't used to running-

But, she made sure to kick it in today! It's just, her legs and lungs were gonna be sore..

But, ay! She'll get some steps in!


Those brown eyes looked back to Takemichi at a sudden pull

'Don't tell me-'

She stopped and quickly went to grab him but, he fell. His eyes began to close as he met the pavement

(Y/n) bent down and nudged him a bit "Takemichi? Michi!"


She looked back as Mikey came over, staring at her in worry until he saw the body on the ground "What happen!"

She sat her fingers under his neck and let out a sigh in relief as the other two came over "Alright, his heart beat's pretty good. He must've gotten exhausted.."

She then looked to Draken and to his hand. It was still bleeding. Not too harsh but, it was open and could get infected..

"Should we go to a Hospital?"

(Y/n) shook her head and smiled at Mikey "Nah. Something like this isn't terrible. I'll just put him in bed and make sure he gets enough water"

She stood and dragged his body up some before staring at him in surprise "He's so freakin' light.."

"Are you sure we--"

(Y/n) smiled up at the blonde and 'aww'd' "Look who sounds like they're worried for their Boyfriend. And nah, he'll be fine. But, You!" She looked up to Draken and glared "You're comin' too! You're lucky you don't need stitches"

She then looked to Peh-Yan and Mikey before shrugging "Hm...All of y'all should come"

Peh-Yan opened his mouth to speak but, Mikey only stared at Draken. It made her feel a little uneasy but, she knew that the issue they'll be having will be resolved easily


"Do you have to make them tight?"

"Calm down, Baldy, you've been through worse"

"Ay! What did I tell you about callin' me bald"

(Y/n) kept a smile as she wrapped Draken's hand up. Putting bandaids everywhere just felt like a hassle

So, this was easier

And after treating it, she knew that he would be just fine

Takemichi, poor boy was as knocked out as ever

She had a cup of water next to him for when he would wake up. And being the worried little shorty she was, she kept checking on him every five minutes

"You're thinking about him again"

She stopped her wrapping and ripped it off to her best ability before patching it down so it would stick well "Lies, no I'm not.."

"Yes you are. Your eyes get foggy when you do"

Those brown orbs quickly went up to meet Draken as he stared at her. He caught on to that?

She then stood and gathered everything on the table "You must be starin' too hard" Cheyenne moved over to the drawers and pulled at one, sitting somethings inside

That's when she needed to do it. Play another card

"That fight. Was it...Like..An organized one or something?"

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