" Before he finished speaking, he took out the riding crop from his waist and hit an attendant fiercely. The whip struck the person, making a heart-stopping sound, and a shrill scream immediately sounded. He whipped one whip after another without any pause, as if he was hitting someone who didn't belong to him.

Xue Li was frightened when he heard this, and hurriedly tugged on Wei Jie's clothes and called him in a low voice: "Cousin."

"Xia Houxin, this is enough." Wei Jie's eyes were stern and he warned him coldly.

Xia Houxin glanced at him sideways and said reluctantly: "You didn't ask me to apologize, so why did you regret it again?" "

I'm going to calm down, you can stop." Xue Li walked out from behind Wei Jie, thinking only Learn about this matter as soon as possible to avoid getting entangled with this madman again.

Xia Houxin kicked the wailing attendant on the ground, and said proudly: "Did you hear that? The little lady has calmed down, and the grudge has been wiped out." He turned to Xue Li and smiled playfully: "In that case, we will meet again in the future." Xue Li

pressed Despite the disgust in her eyes, she pretended to be worried and uneasy, but when she turned her face to the side, she found Wei Jie looking at her with lowered eyes.

"Cousin...what's wrong?"

He looked away lightly. "Nothing."

Wei Zhi also heard that the two were in danger together. Wei Jie had already explained it to him, and he knew Wei Jie's personality and did not suspect that there was any other intention between the two. After comforting Xue Li for a few more words, she was escorted back.

Not long after Xue Li got on the carriage, he started chatting with the attendant driving the carriage, and then he seemed to mention King Junshan unintentionally. "I just heard several people talking about King Junshan, but my knowledge is shallow and I don't know who this King Junshan is..." The

road was dark and long, and the attendant also had a restless temper, so he actively told her everything he knew.

King Junshan was his uncle who was on a pilgrimage, and his fiefdom was in the southern part of the mountain. He returned to Luoyang some time ago and resumed his life. The king of Junshan was brave and good at fighting, and rarely interacted with important officials of the family. He was serious and unsmiling, and even the emperor did not like him. At the same time, he is still Liang Yan's uncle...

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☆ 13. Chapter 12
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Chapter 12

The matter of Chun Lie was messed up, and the emperor was ordered back to the palace. Many people from major aristocratic families have gone, all exhausted by this disaster.

The Queen Mother was born in the Xiahou family and was not an easy person to get along with. Now the family headed by the Wei family was extremely powerful. While the Queen Mother wanted to win over the Wei family, she was wary of them and took action to suppress them from time to time. This Hui Chun Lie caused such a disaster, but it was left to Wei Zhi to deal with the aftermath.

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