Start from the beginning




With hurried steps, her stilettos made their presence known loudly over the hustle and bustle of Reaping Day and the excitement of her peers. Waving and offering quick "Good Morning's" to her classmates as she passed them by, leaving them in the aroma of her jasmine perfume that her mother so generously gifted her for Graduation. Her stomach twisting and turning as a smirk grew wider and wider on her burgundy painted lips.

Today was her day.

Her victory would emerge from the ashes of her burnt dreams that had caught fire at Dr. Gaul's hand. Careful to not seem too eager, she slowed her steps down, walking with pride and not childishly as Highbottom's office was in full view.

Her feet drew together with poise. A deep breath escaping her as she gathered her mind and emotions to prepare her for what was waiting on the other side of that door. Gently, her manicured fingers wrapped the doorknob, the creek of the metal letting her know it was turning and would soon grant her entry. With her head held high, she took a confident step towards her future, her gaze being met by not one person but two.

Any hope glimmering in her eyes was extinguished. Her brown pupils zeroed in on the figurehead standing in front of Dean Highbottom's desk, situated snugly in a purple and gold embellished cloak. Multicolored focus on the young girl who stood in this very spot in just last years time.

"My dear, my dear, the guest of honor is here." Dr. Volumnia Gaul rhymed, a sickening grin striking her teeth so intensely it almost appeared as if she were in pain. "Please, take a seat. This will only take a matter of minutes and we all can carry on with Reaping Day."

With anxiousness in her glare, Venus met the strung out eyes of Highbottom in her last ditch efforts of hope. Praying that while they may not have been each others most desired person, he would step in and control whatever this was.

With no indication that he was even on the same planet as Venus, the girl took another deep breath and sauntered to the lonely seat in front of Dr. Gaul.

Venus never wanted to be this close to the woman, the monster, ever again but as luck would have it ... her's just ran out. With her ankles crossed, hands carefully in her lap, the young girl looked Gaul in her eyes and refused to falter. No satisfaction would be given to the Head Gamemaker, she had already taken everything from Venus and the girl loathed the idea of granting the tyrant anything else.

"I commend you, Venus." Gaul began, her voice raspy and rigid as she commanded attention. "You grabbed yourself by those prissy, little, heels and brought yourself back up from the shame and scandal you wished upon yourself exactly one year ago." The woman brought her green gloved hands together and clapped loudly, rumbling the room and causing Venus to jump slightly.

Cursing herself in her mind, Venus tried to remain calm. She wanted everything she said to come out clearly and assertively. "Thank you, Dr. Gaul. Perseverance and passion are what separates the Capitol from the Districts." She spoke, never breaking the stare from Gaul as she could feel sweat threaten to pool under her arms.

The woman nods slowly, her grin falling as she uttered the same words she asked Venus last year. "Are you a rebel sympathizer?" She questioned coldly.

"No." Venus replied instantly. Knowing a millisecond of hesitation would be her downfall.

While it was not a complete lie, she learned to hold her sensitivities about the Capitol to herself. The Games brought her no joy, nor the citizens, for as long as they've been etched into history. The Games were gross. Inhumane. Disgusting. Kids were sent to the slaughter as punishment for a war that ended when they were barely born. Venus believed they should be abolished, and voiced that concern, and it landed her nothing but embarrassment and having to crawl out of the academic dungeon.

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