1~ [Mashochist]

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{Suggestive themes, mild language}

[Masochist]•{Suggestive themes, mild language}

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•At the old age of 19, I was sold off by my mother, a well known Madam, to the palace as a lowly servant for the all daring Eunuch—Jinshi

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At the old age of 19, I was sold off by my mother, a well known Madam, to the palace as a lowly servant for the all daring Eunuch—Jinshi.

I previously worked to maintain available schedules, relations, and even treasury for our consorts at our brothel located in the heart of the pleasure district;However, business was slow due to the competition with the rising Verdigris House right across the street from us. They have beautiful, talented women who fetch a high price that have nobles flocking to them.

As such, money was tight and I was just another mouth to feed. Even though I'm mediocre in looks compared to the beauties around me, I was 'gracious' enough to be bought by a Eunuch famous for his good looks. What brought him to do such a thing is nothing but a mystery to me.

"(Y/n), I'm parched. Bring me tea" The whiny, pitchy voice of my master rang behind me while I dust the sandalwood side table in his office space. His features are somber and full of boredom as he lazily props his head up with his hand. He's been quiet as of lately like there is something clouding his mind. "Hurry."

"Of course Master." I bow my head, arms covering my face. His hand just motions me away as I take my leave. Closing the door behind me, I let out an exasperated sigh. It's been only three days since I've arrived and Jinshi has only been cold towards me which is to be expected. He's lacking in certain..mechanical parts so I wonder if that's the cause of his distaste for me.

I drag my cleaning supplies with me towards the small appliances area where I began boiling water in my kettle. Once the spout whistles, I remove the water and pour it carefully through a sift of the leaves for a green tea. The steam nips at my finger tips as I nearly drop the mug that I attempt to place on a carrier tray. I get lost in the color as my reflection just barely shows through.

I feel like a wreck.

I'm surprisingly well kept with a clean baby blue servant hanfu and a matching long dark blue skirt. Despite that, my eyes look dead and lifeless. No wonder the Eunuch is ignoring me, I look like a beggar on the side of the street. I haul off with the tea as I make my way back towards Jinshi's quarters.

"May I?" I ask at the door. To which I only hear a sigh escape his lips so I took that as is and let myself in. Placing the tray in front of him, I stand there patiently awaiting him to take a sip. His right eyebrow lifts in confusion at my presence then shrugs it off as he continues to sulk to himself. His finger traces over the rim of the cup slowly and lethargic. I feel my eyebrow twitch with annoyance.

His attitude has been nothing but negative towards me, yet all dandy with everyone else. He ignores me, only calls on me when I'm the last resort, and criticizes everything I do as not 'good enough'. The more I think on it, the less I feel in control as rage fills my body. Admittedly, my patience has grown quite thin over the two weeks and I'm not sure why, but this is my breaking point.

I slam my hands down on his desk in front of him, rattling his tea and causing him to jump back in shock, pupils widening.

"For once, can you lighten up! You're seriously pissing me off." I shout.

Goushun, Jinshi's assistant, held his hand to his blade dangling from his side with intent. Jinshi's expression quickly changes as he holds his hand up to Mr.Goushun, signaling to stand by. With that, I realize I made a huge mistake. I might as well get my affairs in order because I'm certainly done for. I take a deep breath and think about of any solution to save myself right now.

I close my eyes and await my punishment, flinching at the thought of being hit or worse. Instead, I hear a cocky laugh from Jinshi himself. I open my eyes and as soon as I did, he grabs me by my chin, pulling me to his level over his desk. My brain isn't sure what to think as I can't comprehend the situation, but that changed after we lock eyes and his whole demeanor flips.

"I really like this fire you have in you." He chuckles. Jinshi's pink hues narrow and his voice becomes dark and sultry. "So, (Y/n) was it? Tell me more about how much I piss you off."

Instinctively, I slap his hand away and glare. I'm already dead so why not dig my own grave to my liking? I lean closer, my hands holding me up on the desk. "Fine! Well for starters, how am I expected to serve such a master? Haven't you've been sulking long enough?!" My voice grows louder for the first time since being here; I've only been so soft spoken and kind, but no longer. "It's been nothing, but you rolling your eyes and complaining all day. I'm sick of it."

Jinshi smirks as he gets up from his wooden chair and approaches me. I back away to put distance between us, although he's much quicker than I anticipated. Pinning me to the support beam in the room, Jinshi again lifts my chin up. I look over to Goushun who covers his face with his hand and turns away shaking his head either in embarrassment or disappointment I assume.

Jinshi squeezes my face in between his hand to grab my attention back to him. "I like all the naughty, mean things that come out of those lovely lips of yours." His slender thumb rubs back and forth on my lips causing me to redden in response. Though, this is what he wants and I refuse to let him have the satisfaction of getting under my skin. I bite his thumb like a small dog—not hard enough to draw blood, but enough to get my point across. As expected he pulls away with a bit of my saliva covering his finger. I give him a 'tch', taking this moment to shove him away as I begin to stomp to the door.

"Ooooh (Y/n)?" Jinshi calls to me in a sing song voice as soon as I open the door. I peak over my shoulder and he suggestively licks the saliva I left on him.

As attractive as the action was, I roll my eyes. "Screw off masochist." That was the last thing I told him before leaving not knowing this won't be my last interaction with the perverted Eunuch and what opportunities I will be having in the near future.

"I'll be calling on you soon Mrs.Firecracker."

A/N: glad to be one of the first to write a Apothecary Diaries Jinshi fic because I'm OBSESSED with how good the manga is and I'm so excited for more episodes of the anime <3 look forward to more! Much love!

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