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He went into a tangent
and transmitted
a baleful rant against the world
from his beaming tablet.
"My wish is
to grow up
to be a power monger,
I wouldn't have to worry
about decency then"

He was 13.


The red dots
during a dozen turns
as she pretended to
'be sad'
at her grandmother's funeral.
"Death is not my cup of tea",
she beamed into
the world
as her shocked progenitors
saw their child
go off
into another tangent.
She was 14.


The car was against the road
and the victim
in a liminal state.
He saw stars in his eyes
flash a million
watching him reach his end.
The nightcrawler
saying sorry
was a minor
behind the wheel.
He was 18 going on
baleful nineteen.

His third eye was
sore and unforgiving.


He was done with the world.
His last resort was here.
He had left the device open
and flown off the parapet.

He was not an eagle
or even a bird of melancholy.
The world watched him
towards an endless earth.

He knew
they would all
transmit his misfortune
with crooked cheeks
and make him
a headline.


We all
have dangerous ideas.
are citizens of the world.

live in a pandora
of circuits
and scrambled wires,
and turbulence.

We live
in a gyre
and the earth
goes into fits and tangents.


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