Chapter 46: The Thousand Sunny

Start from the beginning

"YEAHH!!" His crew cheered back in unison.

"Hurry up! I said furl the sails!" Franky yelled at (Y/N) and Zoro who were on the top of the sails, Luffy also joined his yelling.

"Are you sure about this Franky?! Doesn't seem pretty smart to me!" Zoro yelled down at the cyborg.

"I got this! Don't ask questions, just do it! Stop being an idiot and have some faith in your own ship!" Franky yelled back up at the swordsman as Luffy, Chopper and Usopp danced in mocked Franky's words.

"KEEP BOSSING US AROUND AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET DOWN THERE!!" (Y/N) angrily yelled at the four making them hesitate their teasing, but they shrugged her off and when back to cheering. "Yep. I'm gonna kill them."

"Don't worry about them right now. Let's just get this over and done with." Zoro looked over at the woman with was busy working on tying her end. "You look like you know what you're doing. How long have you been sailing anyways?"

"Hm? Trick questioned." (Y/N) thought for a minute. "About ten to twelve years. On and off though."

"Woah. That's more than I expected." Zoro finished his half a minute or so after (Y/N).

"We'll have to finish this conversation later when there's less cannon fire involved." Zoro agreed as (Y/N) grabbed his waist before flying down to Franky together. "Alright, Shipwright. We finished furling the sails."

"Now do whatever you're gonna do before the Navy blows us up." Zoro finished (Y/N)'s thought.

"There's something you're forgetting." Franky looked up the ship's mast. "Don't ya know? We can't leave until we give this ship a name."

"A NAME?! AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!" Sanji questioned the cyborg.

"Of course! This is her maiden voyage, so there's no point if we don't do it now." Franky quickly explained.

"Well I guess." Sanji jumped up to kick another cannonball. "Whatever it is, it's gonna have 'lion' in it, right?"

Luffy raised his hand up like he was in a classroom. "Wait I got it! I just thought of the perfect name! The Black Bear Polar Bear Lion Tiger!" Usopp quickly threw that name out of the window with a smack to the captain's face. "Then how about the Super Wolf Gorilla Bear?!" Again... shut down.

"Mhm. Well I did have a lion in mind for the design. Though the guy's at Galley Law didn't seem to get that..." Franky said in annoyance.

"Isn't it a sunflower though?" (Y/N) tilted her head at the cyborg. Franky immediately ran up to her, pulling her by the cheek as he yelled about the figure head being a lion.

Franky told the crew about the suggestion Iceburg made for the name. "That suits her perfectly." (Y/N) rubbed her cheek before smiling at the mast. "The Thousand Sunny."

"I kinda wanted Big Boss Lionel, but Thousand Sunny is pretty good too." Zoro calmly said.

"I was going to suggest Creature of Darkness." Robin added in.

Sanji placed his hand on his chin. "I like Monsieur Sunflower personally."

"Geez. If I ever get a pet, remind me never to ask you guys for name suggestions." (Y/N) shunned the three.

"A ship to sail a thousand seas with a sunny smile." Robin spoke to her crew. "Its prefect, don't you think?"

"Don't get too excited you guys! That was just a warm up! I've got a name that's gonna knock your socks off! This ship, will now be known as..." Franky giving his ship name suggestions was spoken over by by the crew.

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