Shawn's Prank pt.1

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Sorry for the slow update my phone makes it harder for me to update because I'm used to my laptop.

Your POV:

The next day I woke up and Jack wasn't in bed.
I got up and showered and got dressed.
I slipped my black Adidas crop top on and a pair of white shorts.
I put my white converse on and a black snap back on and looked in the mirror while brushing my hair.
I straightened it then did my make up.
I walked out of the room playing on my phone.
"GUYS!" I yelled more as a question
No response.
They better not be pranking me.
I started quietly walking talking caution of what was going on.
I stopped when I was close to the music room.
I heard a creek behind me as I was about to open the door.
I stopped and quickly turned around.
No one was there..
I turned back around and Hayes was standing there
"Oh fuck." I said gasping
"Did I scare you?" He laughed
I rolled my eyes "Where is everybody?"
"Jack and Jack had a photo shoot and Nash is in his room." He said while walking over to Nash's room and banging on the door then walking downstairs.
Nash came out and looked at me
"Hey can we go get Shawn? He's bored and he wanted to join us for prank week." He asked while playing on his phone
"I guess." I said while walking to my room to grab my keys
"Nash where are my keys?" I yelled
"Jack took your car.. You'll have to use his." He yelled back
"Okay well where are Jacks keys?" I said
"With him..." He sighed
"Whe-" he cut me off
"Cameron's borrowing my car."
"Fuck.." I mumbled
"Call Jack." Nash shrugged
"We're just gonna walk to where he is?" I laughed
"We have penny boards and skateboards" he laughed
I rolled my eyes and smiles while calling Jack.
It rang once and then he answered
"Hey babe." He said
"Hey I know you're busy but I need to come get the keys." I said
"Are you going to walk here?" He joked
"Yes actually." I laughed
"Don't walk. I'll ask Johnson if you can borrow his car." He said
It went quiet for a while besides a couple mumbles
"Okay he said his keys are in his room on his dresser." He said
"Okay thanks. I love you." I said
"I love you too baby." He said I could tell he was smiling
"Bye." I laughed
"Later." He said and hung up
I walked downstairs where Nash and Hayes were waiting by the door
"We're gonna use Johnsons car. I'll run over there and bring it back." I said while walking out the door
I ran down the street to his house and went to the back door.
It was locked. Shit.
I walked over to the window and struggled to open the window
"Y/N?" His neighbor yelled
"Yes, Mrs. Moen?" I sighed
"Are you suppose to be here?" She questioned
"Yes I am." I said pushing the window open a little more
All of a sudden her husband, Mr. Moen came out.
"If you were wouldn't you use the door like a normal person." He said raising an eye brow
"Not if he's not home and the doors locked and he asked me to grab something." I said
"I'm going to call him." He said pulling out his phone
"He's busy. And this is none of your business." I said
"I'm calling him." He said
I rolled my eyes and jumped up and grabbed the windowsill and pulled myself in
"Y/N! Get out here right now!" Mrs. Moen yelled
I rolled my eyes and closed the window
I ran up the stairs and went in his room.
I grabbed the keys but something caught my eye that was by the bed.
It was a letter.
I sat on his bed and grabbed it.
I didn't really read it just skimmed over it.
Looks like a new song or something.
I set it down and walked out I looked in my room and saw that the bed wasn't made.
Weird.. Who slept in here?
I shrugged and walked back downstairs. I opened the front door and locked it on my way out.
Mr. Moen was still outside watching me
I flipped him off as I got into Johnsons car.
I started blaring Psycho Bitch part 2 by Tech N9ne
He looked at me with his mouth wide open as I smiled and slid my hat to the back.
When I pulled up to the drive way I honked and they ran outside fighting for the front seat
"I'm older." Nash yelled
"She loves me more." Hayes yelled back
"Y/N!!" They both yelled
"Both of you in back." I said
They stopped pushing and sighed and got in back.

When we got to Shawns he walked out with a smile.
I got out and ran over to him and hugged him.
"So who are you pranking?" I asked while we walked back to the car
"Gilinsky." He said pretty confident
Everyone just kind of looked at him
"What?" He said
"Only Y/N has been able to actually full on prank him." Hayes said
"Whatever I'll show you guys, I can do it." He said while putting his sunglasses on
"What's your plan?" I asked
"Well after his photo shoot let's invite him to McDonalds and I'll spray all of this on him." He said while pulling out a can of shaving cream
"That's not gonna do anything." I said as we backed out the drive way
"Smell it." He said while putting it on his finger and putting it in my face
I started gagging it smelled so bad
"What the fuck is that?" I said while pushing his hand away
He started laughing "it's like old people shit."
I laughed as he struggled to get it off his finger.

After a while of driving around and listening to music and talking Jack called me.
"Hey where are you guys?" He asked
"We're gonna go to McDonalds, meet us there I'll buy you food." I said
"Okay is it cool if I bring Johnson?" He asked
"Of course." I laughed before hanging up

When we got to McDonald's we waited for Jack and Jack to show up.
I wasn't really hungry so I just got a drink while everyone got food.
I walked over to fill my cup up.
"Babe I have to dump." Jack said
"Why do I need to know that you have to dump?" I laughed
"Just understand that I have to dump and help me out." He said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Just take my stuff to the table and don't let Shawn get a hold of it I think he's tryin to prank me so I don't trust him." He said
"Okay." I sighed and grabbed his stuff and took it to the table

Shawn's POV:

Jack wasn't anywhere to be seen for a good 20 minutes.
"Where's Jack?" I asked
"In the bathroom." Y/N said
"It's been 20 minutes I know he doesn't have to shit this bad." I said while getting up
I walked over to the bathroom and busted open the door
"JACK WHERE YOU AT?!" I yelled while walking over to the only stall that was closed
No response.
I started hitting the walls and still nothing
"Come on Jack this isn't funny we gotta go." I said while hitting the stall
Still nothing.
I started banging on the stall. As soon as I stopped I heard a shuffle of feet.
This is the perfect time to prank him.
I walked into the stall next to him and pulled myself over and threw my leg over so it looked like I was riding a horse.
I looked down and it wasn't Jack... It was a 300 pound sweaty male
"You're not Jack." I said and got down and ran out the bathroom
I walked back over to the table and Jack was sitting next to Y/N
I was so mad I smacked him
"What the fuck! I was just so embarrassed." I laughed while sitting down.
Everyone started laughing
"What happened?" Johnson asked
I told them everything leaving out the shaving cream thing so I can still get him.
They were all laughing and all of a sudden the guy came over to us.
"Hey.. Where's Jack?" He asked
I pointed at Gilinsky "that's Jack." I said shyly while looking away
"Oh.. Okay." He said then walked out
Everyone started bursting out laughing and hitting me.

My World Jack Gilinsky Sequel to MLWJGWhere stories live. Discover now