Part 2

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Third person Pov:
After the grump dungeon bat released the Gryffindor and Slytherins, the Beta and Alpha made their way to the Gryffindor tower to check on their Omega friend, but what they saw worried them.
Rons Pov:
As me and Hermione got into the Gryffindor common room, I got a little worried.
"'Mione, I can't smell Harry anymore..."
"I'm sure it's nothing, Ron. His heat is probably over now."
"I'm gonna go check on him again just to make sure..."

Alright, I'll go with you, I miss him." Hermione said sadly.
Both Gryffindors made their way to Harry's new room.
"Harry?" Hermione said.

Slowly, I opened his door and saw something I never wanted to see. A naked Harry with an alpha in his bed. But not any Alpha, oh no, Draco is in his bed. The Draco Malfoy, 'Harry's school enemy', 'daddy's boy', 'Ferret'. The one person who shouldn't even be near him right now.
"Oh no!" Hermione said "no no no no, this is not good!"
"Harry!" I scream in anger at my best friend.
Harry's Pov:
I startled awake after hearing Ron's voice.
"Shit..." I mumble, my arse hurts, my legs hurt, my whole body hurts. I feel someone's body turn beside me. I start blushing when I feel them kiss my shoulder.
"morning love..." they whisper in my ear. I can feel their breath on my skin, and it feels heavenly.
"Harry James Potter!" Hermione says sternly.
"Hmp," I groan. "What do you want... wait... 'mione?

I turn over and see Ron standing there in shock. Slowly, it starts to sink in that I'm nude and my best friends are standing there. I feel movement again and see Malfoy in my bed. 'Wait...' I think 'Malfoys laying in my bed, the Draco Malfoy, my crush is laying in my bed also nude.' I blush furiously as I realize my body doesn't burn anymore like it used to, meaning either my heat is over or I've been mated, but my heat doesn't end for another three days.
"Harry... You mated with Malfoy!" Ron said. Furious, he walks out of the room.
" 'mione, we have class to go to!" He shouts from the hallway. Quickly, Hermione shuffles over to the door, but before she leaves, she turns around and looks straight at me.
"And Harry..." She said, pausing as if she's trying to find a way to put something into words.
"Be careful... please."

After that, I just blink, and she walks away. I go to get up, but remember I'm nude still. I turn around and see Malfoy fell asleep again. 'I'll just let him sleep, I guess.' I finally get out of bed and get under garments on and feel sick to my stomach. I sprint to the bathroom and barely made it before I dump my stomach contents into the toilet.

I can hear someone walking in the room, but I'm too busy vomiting to really care about what's happening around me.

As I finally get a chance to take a breath, I feel someone's presence behind me. I can feel someone rub my shoulders, and I start to relax.
"Here, love, lean up against me, don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm here to take care of you. Since we've mated my job, is to stick with you until the day I die."

I slowly leaned up against him after he said that. For some strange reason, his presence is relaxing me. All of my pain suddenly just left my body when he touched me. It's like I'm floating in a bunch of clouds right now...
"Mmm..." I moan on accident.

I open my eyes again and start blushing when I hear a chuckle behind me.
"Feels good, right love?"
I nodded my head in agreement. As I feel him pick me up, I don't even try to struggle against him. Some strange hormones must be making me feel this way. It has to, right? I've never felt like this before, so why now?
"Let's get you to bed. You must be tired after yesterday's events," he said smoothly, "don't worry, I'm not leaving." he says after I grab his wrist when he puts me down.

I can feel him running his hands through my hair, and it's really making me tired.

Eventually, I can feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.
Hello loves, I'm sorry I kept you waiting for this chapter, I've been working it as soon as I published the first one. And when I say I've been working on it I mean it, during my classes I'm sitting here writing it.

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