^Ddot's outfit without the purse
At The Restaurant

"DD where are at?" I asked him because this nigga put a whole blind fold on me the moment I got in the car. "You can take the blindfold off now ma." he said to me. So then I took the blindfold off and saw we were at this restaurant that I've been telling him I wanted to go to for months.

"You remembered I wanted to go here?" I asked him. "Yes because since you still obsessed with the Princess and the frog you said that this restaurant gives off that movie vibes." he said to me. "Thank you for remembering." I said to him as I leaned over and gave him a kiss.

"You're welcome now come on let's go in." he said to me. So then he got out the car and came to my side and opened the door and helped me out the car. "Thank you." I said to him. "You're welcome." he said to me.

So then he grabbed my hand and we walked inside the restaurant. "Hi can I get the name for the reservation?" the hostess asked us. "It's for Reyes." he said to her. "Yes I got you right here so you both can follow me." she said to us.

She then got the menus for us and took us to our table. "You both enjoy and your sever will be with you both shortly." she said to us and then she walked away. "This place really does give off Princess and the frog vibes." I said to DD as I was looking around the restaurant.

"When are you going to stop being obsessed with that movie?" he asked me as he was laughing. "I'm not obsessed it's just my comfort movie so don't try and downplay my movie." I said to him. "Hi my name is Jackson and I will be your server for the night so what can I get you started to drink." the server Jackson said to us.

"I'll just get a water." I said to him. "I'll get the same thing." DD said to him. "Alright I'll be right back." he said to us and then he walked away. "I'm surprised you didn't order any liquor." DD said to me.

"I think I'm going to cut back on it for a while." I said to him. "Why?" he asked me. "No reason I just wanted to for a little." I said to him and I felt him staring at me. "Okay whatever you say." he said to me.

"DD I want to try this." I said to him as I showed him the menu where it had come crab dinner on it. "You can order whatever you want it's not like you're going to make me go broke." he said to me. "I mean I wouldn't want my boyfriend to go broke because of me." I said to him.

"Honestly if I was to go broke it would be because of Vani that girl is just so spoiled." he said to me. "Well I mean ever since she was born you gave her everything she asked for instead of telling her no." I said to him. "That girl has your same attitude I told her no once and she didn't talk to me for like two days." he said to me.

"That's because she knows that eventually you will get her whatever she asked you for." I said to him. And then then server came back over and we gave him our order. "But I think we need to get soundproof walls now in our room." I said to DD.

"Why?" he asked me. "She said that sleep or not that we be loud." I said to him. "What do you mean by loud?" he asked me. "She knows when we are having sex." I said to him. "How does she even know what sex is?" he asked me.

"DD she's nine and plus look at who her uncle and aunts are so she was most likely going to figure out what sex is even if we weren't the ones to tell her about it." I said to him. "How did y'all even get on that topic of her hearing us?" he asked me.

"Um she was telling me how she wanted a little sister because she be bored." I said to him. "So she wants you to have another baby?" he asked me. "Yeah she does." I said to him.

"Do you want to have another baby?" he asked me. "Let's talk about something else like what we are going to do this year for Vani's birthday." I said to him. "Ddot her birthday isn't for another four months so why are you trying to change the subject about you having a baby." he said to me.

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