Chapter 23

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After eating lunch outside with my coworker and now friend, Sharie Hudson, I headed back to the office. My friend had to go on a business trip tomorrow, so we caught up with what happened over the long weekend and got to know each other better. I had a really nice time and it looked like she was enjoying my company, too.

I stretched with a yawn, then raked my fingers through my golden-brown hair. I didn't sleep well last night, mainly because yesterday evening was nuts.

I confessed my feelings of love for Jamar, Leonello, and Lucian during the most insane storm I've ever experienced. We were about to do some very fun things when the power went out, which sent Leonello and Jamar into panic-mode. Lucian and I were told to stay on the couch. We remained cuddled together while the lightning lit up the entire living room and most of the kitchen until candles were lit.

And even after the power came back on, I didn't want my boyfriends and I to be apart at bedtime. So Jamar had the fantastic idea to make a giant pillow and fort of sorts in the living room to be able to sleep together. And while the couch cushions and pillows were pretty comfortable, my back would have felt better had I been on a bed.

I'm still thankful, though, because we all had fun talking and joking around until we fell asleep. Lucian was the first to close his eyes, then Leonello, and I think Jamar and I went to sleep around the same time.

My phone rang, startling me out of my thoughts. I quickly grabbed it out of my bag and answered the phone without glancing at the caller.


Leonello chuckled. "Hi, baby. Did you have a nice lunch?"

"Yeah, definitely. I'm headed back now, Nello. Do you and or the other two need anything? I can pick it up on the way."

"Don't worry, Oliver. Just come back as soon as possible." he said softly, although his voice sounded tense for some reason.

"What's wrong, Nello?" I asked, stopping on the sidewalk next to a brick building. "Did something happen?"

"You're too sharp, baby." Leonello sighed aloud. "Remember how we said there would be hidden bodyguards?"

I nodded, then stopped myself to reply, "Yeah, I do. Do you know if they're okay?"

"So you picked up on that, huh? And yes, they're all alive but knocked out with pretty bad head wounds. They were discovered by the other guards who were going to swap them out for a break. We want you back here as soon as possible for safety reasons since we still haven't figured out who is behind this, Oliver."

A bolt of fear made a chill spread throughout my body like someone doused my head with a tall glass of ice water. I turned suddenly, but everyone was walking normally to their destinations.

What scared me more than anything was not being captured, but whether I could be found or not in the end. If these people were so slick in their business that they could slip out from underneath the De Niro family's professionally trained men twice in less than a week, would it be possible for my boyfriends to find me?

Wait a second...

I lifted my head and said, "Nello, I think I know how my mother disappeared."

"What?" whispered Leonello, then his breath hitched. "Do you think the ones following you are related to your mother's disappearance?"

"I think so, Nello. I have a bad feeling."

I heard a slam and Leonello shouted an entire phrase of Italian to someone. I was immediately reminded of Jamar proudly stating how quick I am to pick up on stuff as a hand gripped my shoulder. My thumb had just hovered over the end call button, but I didn't dare press it.

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