Chapter 2

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In the shiny light of the sun, the morning came and it was time to travel once more, to finally arrive at Dukanahan, Estelle was distracted yet, still having her mind on her conversation with Lavender on the anterior day.
She got back in her carriage and went to the road onde more, this time, they would do very quicker stops because time was short and they needed to be there in time. And after long weeks, they finally arrived at the Royal Palace of Dukanahan.
In the entrance of the palace, the Crown Prince was there to welcome the far visitors.
- We welcome the "Sun of the Continent", Your Royal Highness Crown Princess Estelle of Ahkaltar. - The two front guards said, bowing to her
- Welcome, Your Royal Highness. - Jasper said, as he made space for her to walk in
- I am with imense pleasure to be here in your presence, Crown Prince Jasper. - Estelle said while curtsied to the prince
- Come, the Royal Minister of Outside Affairs is waiting for our presence in the meeting room. - Jasper exclaimed as they entered the palace
"The Royal Palace of The Moonlight" as it was called, was just like the last time Estelle had come there. It was made of marble and it was decorated with silver all over the building, which shined at night, thing that now remembered Estelle about Lavender's hair. The paintings about old emperors and empresses were just like they were 1 year ago, and the most recent portraits of the main royal family were still kind of old, there was just a new painting, and it looked a lot like the Fyroland lake Estelle visited a week ago. Estelle wanted to ask who painted it, but there was no time for that, so she waited to ask later on.
Quickly they arrived at the meeting room, where they greeted each other and the meeting started. After some time discussing what should be better to resolve the conflicts in the border, they came to an agreement and the meeting was adjourned.
After the end of the meeting, Estelle and her minister were escorted to guest rooms in the palace so they could rest. Estelle didn't have much to do, so she decided to wander around the palace for some time, coming again by the painting she saw earlier, luckily, the Crown Prince was passing by.
- Your Royal Highness. - Estelle said
- Yes? - Jasper responded
- Sorry to bother you and take your time, but could you explain this painting here for me? - She asked
- Oh, yes, of course. This painting was brought from the Hanstestien Castle guards, you see, one of my family members staying there visited Fyroland and thought it looked absolutely beautiful, so they painted it for us. Quite a fine talent no?
- Yes, I visited this place on my way here, it's truly beautiful. Did you reward them for the painting?
- I tried, but they said they wouldn't take my money for a gift.
- Oh. - She responded
They spent 5 minutes looking at the painting, for no reason, until the silence was broken.
- Oh my look at the time, I must go now, see you anyday, Your Royal Highness. - The prince said and then left
- I should also return to my chambers. - Estelle thought to herself and went back to her room
In her room, Estelle couldn't stop thinking about the day in Fyroland, she didn't know why, and couldn't bother to know why was that. She thought about how much it was pretty there, and how fun it was, reminded her of her childhood in the palace garden and on the festivals that happened at Ahkaltar.
To pass her time until nightime, she started to write. You could say it was a hobby, a hobby she had to practice when dealing with her job as Crown Princess and practiced writing tales about fantasy, which she liked to do. As a future empress, Estelle had to learn a different alphabet, an alphabet created in Poroshya* called "The Aziulistic Alphabet", the rulers of the nations and ministers had to learn it, unless they wanted to cut ties with Poroshya, as it was the alphabet used in their documents and mostly everyday.

(*Poroshya = Allied country of Ahkaltar in the north east of Ahkaltar)

It's wasn't hard to learn this alphabet, it was just a bit tricky, and had a lot of difficult symbols to write it down. Estelle put a lot of effort learning it, since she liked to write, there were times where she writed stories in Aziulistic, which led to a pretty design if she may say.
And as her boredom grew, Estelle started to write in Aziulistic, she wrote a story about a couple, they had such beautiful love, but the man couldn't be with the woman, they were from different worlds, and the king did everything to stop them, until the king's palace broke down and the couple could be free, and that was the end. After finishing it and reading it again, she thought: "What scandal, isn't it?" As a forbidden love like that would be possible if only the king accepted their marriage before dying in such tradegy.
Well, Estelle was satisfied with the result of her story, and as the sun set and the moon appeared, she went to bed and slept.

As the sun entered her chambers, Estelle woke up ready for a new day. The maids came in to bathe her and dress her up, and after she was ready, she decided to take a walk in the palace garden.
Not long after she entered the garden, she heard someone say something, and turned around to see who it was, discovering that it was the Emperor of Dukanahan.
- You grace me with your presence, Your Majesty, I hope I find you in good health. - Estelle said as she bowed before him
- Good to see you again after a long time, Princess Estelle. - The emperor said - I suppose you are here to discuss the current... business in the borders right?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
- Well then, and I apologize for not welcoming you yesterday, I had other matters to attend. Hope you have a pleasent stay, I will take my leave now. - He said, as he left the garden with his guards
- Okay then? That was... uncertain.
Estelle continued to walk in the garden, until she saw lavender flowers, and of course she reminded of Lavender, and specially Lavender's dress, that had the color of the flower. She thought about visiting Fyroland again soon, just to have to chance to have such a nice chat again.

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