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Minho was peacefully dozing in his bed, cocooned within his duvet and cuddling a pillow. Soft snores echoed in the room until the door to his sanctuary was violently flung open, causing Minho to stir from his sleep. He groggily cracked open an eye, still caught in the remnants of his dreamy haze.

"The cat god...?" he mumbled sleepily, clearly disoriented by the sudden intrusion.

The intruder turned out to be none other than Shin Ryujin. With an eye roll, she barged in, declaring, "Get up, loser. We're going shopping," as she yanked open the curtains, flooding the room with glaring sunlight.

In protest, Minho buried himself under his duvet, attempting to shield himself from the sun and return to his slumber, accompanied by disgruntled grumbling.

Unfazed, Ryujin marched towards the bundled figure on the bed, uncovering Minho with a swift tug, revealing him curled up beneath. Squinting against the light, Minho struggled to make sense of the situation, his brow furrowing as his eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Get up," Ryujin demanded, tossing the duvet aside and placing her hands on her hips in an intimidating stance.

Minho turned towards Ryujin, his disheveled hair sticking in all directions, and his face contorted in a grimace of discontent at the rude awakening. His glare shot towards Ryujin, accompanied by an audible scoff. "It's so early in the fucking morning, and shopping for what?" His voice, raspy and dripping with annoyance, resonated in the room.

Ryujin sighed, massaging her temple. "Oh, Minho, you still need to learn so many girl things before being one," she stated, sounding somewhat defeated. Minho continued to stare at her with slightly widened, irritated eyes that could practically shoot daggers.

"Anyways, just go and get changed. We need to properly choose your clothes for the date, and we're going to run out of time if you continue to lay there and glare at me," Ryujin said, her voice conveying a sense of urgency. With that, Minho grudgingly sat up, making sure to toss a pillow in Ryujin's direction in retaliation for the early and unwelcome wake-up call that shattered his much-needed dreamy slumber.

"Why do I even need to buy clothes when I have plenty?" Minho retorted, legs crossed on the bed as he rubbed sleep from his eyes.

Ryujin clicked her tongue in annoyance at Minho's barrage of questions instead of preparing. "Let me remind you, honey. You're going on a date as a GIRL. Obviously, you can't wear your own clothes," she emphasized, arms crossed firmly and her demeanor akin to a mother scolding her child.

"I could just borrow yours, though."

"Nuh-uh. You're meeting the son of #Lovestay's CEO, so you need to impress him by wearing their products. Besides, you wouldn't fit in any of my clothes, Min," Ryujin explained.

Minho leaned back with an audible groan, clearly displeased with the idea.

"Why am I supposed to impress him when I thought I'm supposed to sabotage the date so he loses interest in you, and therefore, you won't see each other again!" Minho protested, glaring with narrowed eyes, his hair still tousled from sleep.

The sight didn't intimidate Ryujin at all; in fact, she found the early morning Minho cute, resembling a grumpy cat rudely awakened—truthfully.

"Min, you're going to act as the daughter of one of the owners of WNNB ENT. I can't afford you ruining my reputation as the REAL daughter in front of one of the most affluent people in Korea," Ryujin pressed, her hand gestures emphasizing the gravity of her words.

Minho released a scoff as he rose from the bed, his reluctance evident as he tried to free himself from the tangled sheet that had snagged his feet. Tumbling slightly, he muttered, "No reputation would be ruined if you just decided to go on that date."

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