The Return

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(I lowkey forgot to mention that Izuku has blue eyes in this, as a mix of both parents, sorry)


He was happy that he had finally found peace, even if it was in death. His only wish, was that this peace would last forever, which he probably thought that it would.

       But his wish did not come true, because something disturbed his eternal slumber, a booming voice that made his father in his AllMight form seem puny, and the voice had such great power, that it forced Izuku to obey.

       "Cross the fog, to the lands between, and stand before the elden ring."


"You are maiden-less"

"I shall play the role of your maiden"

"Follow the path of grace"

"Castle moore has been overtaken"

"Thank you for your help friend"

"Hello there, name is blaid"

"*GASP*" Izuku gasped for air as he jumped up in bed? Not his bed in his castle? What is going on?

He turned to where the window was, and got up to look out of it, hoping to see what was his home. And as soon as he looked out his window, he saw what it seemed to be like mustafu.

He couldn't be happy yet, he has dreamt of this before and didn't want for this to be a dream as well. So he mustered all the strength he could into his right arm and punched his face.

Only when the pain in his face registered......and the wall, roof, and floor all cracked from the sheer force of his punch. This made him realize he was finally home.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he was finally back. Tears started flow from his eyes as he smiled peacefully, finally being somewhere where he doesn't have to fight for his life every second of every day.

Izuku noticed that he retained the strength that he had accumulated in his time in the lands between. He wasn't sure how strong he was compared to everyone here, but he was sure that he was one of the strongest.

He fought beings that would make the people here feel like ants, and had won those battles, just so he could stay alive. And once he had gained the power of the elden ring, he could finally rest and be at peace.....but at a cost.

'Roderika, old man.......master, and.......Melina' Izuku thought as he remembered the only people who stayed by his side until the end.

They were all the people that helped him become the elden lord so he could build a place where they were all safe, but only one of them survived, and it was because she wanted to stay behind with the old man who helped smith his weapons.

He lost so much in the past year, he was happy to not be a lord and have people by his side. He only wished that the people that he had lost stayed with him until the end.

He wonders how long it has been in present time, was it years? Months? Days? Hours? Did his parents mourn him? Was he even dead here?

Soon enough though, he heard the door open from behind him which made his battle instincts that he's accumulated for the past year go haywire. Immediately he reached into his subspace, a type of magic that he personally has which helps him store all his weapons and items , to search for his items.

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