Similar Looks, Another Mind

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Late at Night:

Sam slept in her bed, snoring softly as the moonlight shined through her window. Her mirror sat in a corner, the moonlight reflecting on the glass. Samantha's reflection sat there, a smile on their face as they stared at her.

The reflection slowly stood up, walking out of the mirror and stepping inside Sam's room, a weird, black liquid trailing behind them. "Your name is... Samantha Coleman.." The reflection quietly muttered to themselves, slowly sitting down on the corner of Sam's bed.

"Your sixteen years old, you regularly get bullied in your school, your an only child, and you barely have any friends," The reflection continued. "And you were left alone for most of your life,"

The reflection gently held Samantha's hand, closing her eyes. "Thats cause your mother is too busy with work, and your father never wanted you around..."

"And you freed me from that curse." The reflection smiled, tilting their head.

"I cant wait to see what you have in store for me."


The reflection soon stood up, looking around Sam's bedroom before seeing her bathroom. They soon walked in the bathroom, closing the door behind them and looking at their new reflection for the first time.

What they saw was expected. Longer, brown hair that is tied up in a red hairtie, and pale skin.

Instead of the bright blue eyes Samantha has, it was instead replaced with bright, white colored eyes, and her sclera was black as well. Almost her entire body was tainted and colored black, with their fingers sharp and colored black all up to near their elbows.

The reflection smiled at themselves as they faced the mirror, placing a sharp-fingered hand on their cheek. "Hm, I think I like this." They muttered to themselves as they smiled.

"I cant wait to see what you have in store, Samantha."

(Sorry that all of the the chapters have been so short so far, Im still new to writing and Im just doing this for fun :3)

Another Me? ((DISCOUNTED))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang