Rhodeus: Mercenary

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Written by Matthew Sinn/A.K.A. Sinbad the Mountain

Rhodeus/The Future Pt. 1

Flying through a tunnel of colorful lights, while unsure of where it's taking me. I soon found myself lading onto a large pile of straw.  Inside of the walls of an unknown stone structure. Where I sat upward and asked myself. "Where am I"? Who stood up an began searching around this mysterious place. With no idea what to expect. When I spotted this strange man. Who stood at 5'6, wore strange armor and a metallic mask. Shaped like a persons neutral expressed face. He looked at me an spoke. "I see that you've arrived". Looking at the him I spoke. "Who are you"? "An where am I"? The mask man told me. "My name is Time Taker". "An you Rhodeus". "Are going to work for me".   


Rhodeus/The Future Pt. 2

Facing the mysterious ask man I replied back. "I don't know what sort of game your playing". "But I'm not doing your bidding". Time Taker replied. "You don't have a choice hero". "For without my help, you'll be trapped here". "Within the future forever". Growing angry I replied back. "Then your about to pay". "For kidnapping me villain". Who began approaching him as he quickly shouted. "Guards"! When when a large force of Roman soldiers rushed into the room and began attacking. With me beating each of them back with my fists. Yet more and more of them kept coming. Until I soon found myself overwhelmed and forced onto my knees. Knowing that I've been defeated by his dangerous power. With Time Taker now now standing before me and speaking. "Now that you've scene, what my power can do". "You have no choice hero". "But to do whatever I command". Seeing no option here. I spoke. "Very well villain". "You've won". "An shall do what you say".   


Rhodeus/The Task

Captured by the powerful Time Taker and surrounded by a large force of Roman soldiers. I faced their evil leader and asked. "Tell me villain". "What is it you want me to do"? He answered my question. "It is very simple Rhodeus". "Using my power, to open doors into the past". "I'm going to send you into a war". To fight off the Persian invasion of Greece". "Where you'll fight with the Spartans". "Then steal the Persians treasures". "That you'll bring back here to me". I already knew refusing wasn't a choice. For if I ever wanted to see Gaul again. I had no choice but to do what Time Taker asked. Who spoke. "Then send me into the past". "To steal these riches for you". Hearing this he used his powers to open a portal through time. Who then spoke. "Step through and be thrown into the past". I did what he said and stepped into the portal. Who then quickly found myself within Persia. An knew this was going to get rough.   



Standing somewhere within Greek lands I wasn't familiar with. Who stood there, while unsure where the Greek Army might be. Until looking from a nearby hill. That's when I noticed a large campsite close by. Who walked over there and could see it was filled with many Greek soldiers. Who were large buff men with huge round shields and dressed within bronze armor. Who was glad to have found it. By also surprise by their muscles. When one of the soldiers approached in his armor, while wielding a spear and shield. He spoke. "Who are you stranger"? I answered his question. While also forced to lie. "My name is Rhodeus". "A wondering hero, who's come to fight the Persians". He found this interesting an replied. "Your not Greek, yet you also dress as a gladiator". "Why is that"? I spoke. "It's a long story". "But I want to bring justice for what they've done". "For what they had done". Understanding this he spoke. "Follow me". I did what he said and followed the soldier to his leader. A 30 year old man standing at 6'2, who had a thick black beard, large muscles and short black hair. Who looked at us and spoke. "Who is this man soldier"? The man told me. "His name is Rhodeus". "An he wishes to help us, fight back the Persians". He found this interesting and spoke. "Is this true"? I spoke. "Yes". Looking me in the eye he soon spoke. "Well....we could use some more brave men". Who then introduced himself. "For I'm Leonidas". "The King of Sparta". "Who welcomes you Rhodeus to our army".    

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