Face claims

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13 Reasons:

Faith Golbach

- Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, ivory skin, and eyes of emerald green -

- Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, ivory skin, and eyes of emerald green -

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Bradley Cooper

- The name is blonde Darlin' boy, darlin' curls Hypnotises all the girls -

- The name is blonde Darlin' boy, darlin' curls Hypnotises all the girls -

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Charli Davis

- And what about the black-haired girls? Who′s gonna whisper filthy things into their ears? -

- And what about the black-haired girls? Who′s gonna whisper filthy things into their ears? -

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Lacy O'Connell

- All the boys stare at the girl with blonde hair It's not fair -

- All the boys stare at the girl with blonde hair It's not fair -

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Mark McKenna

- I love a girl that dont even f*cking need a boy, baby, I'm a beamer boy -

The rest of Milk as themselves

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The rest of Milk as themselves


I dont see enough Mark McKenna fanfictions on here, therefore i am making one myself, i hope you enjoy <3

Bands - A Mark McKenna FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora